The NSA et al

The Surveillance State
..The few studies that have looked at the effects of similar tactics in less hostile and restrictive settings have confirmed similar, though more muted, effects. An EU privacy study documented that under surveillance, individuals make choices that are more likely to conform to mainstream expectations. A Finnish research project installed cameras and recording devices in the homes of 12 families and documented annoyance, concern, anxiety, and anger among the watched, as well as a loss of spontaneity as inhabitants contemplated any new social event or activity being captured by the cameras.
Now multiply that 12 by 100 million and there are grounds for concern about how surveillance may reshape Americans’ moods, psychology, and social life on a national scale. Until now, it might have been argued that what we did not know — or chose to ignore — about the staggering breadth of government surveillance couldn’t hurt us. Now that it’s front page news and trending on Twitter, that’s no longer true. The idea that friendly and trusted online brands — Yahoo, Facebook, and others — had some part in enabling the NSA’s broad incursions raises questions of what platforms and transactions, if any, can be fully trusted…’
(from a brilliant article in Foreign Policy magazine.  subscription is free)
UPDATE: Muslims exempt.
‘The White House assures that tracking our every phone call and keystroke is to stop terrorists, and yet it won’t snoop in mosques, where the terrorists are.
That’s right, the government’s sweeping surveillance of our most private communications excludes the jihad factories where homegrown terrorists are radicalized.
…This is particularly disturbing in light of recent independent surveys of American mosques, which reveal some 80% of them preach violent jihad or distribute violent literature to worshippers…’          source

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10 Responses to The NSA et al

  1. Ronbo says:

    The Muslims are allies of the Left today, but tomorrow, after they have crushed the Right, the Left will turn on their former allies.

    Such is the fate of Nazi-Soviet Pacts. :evil:

  2. Contempt says:

    Everything is reversed in our Brave New World. Run a traffic light and a camera records your license plate for a fine in the mail. Do anything and understand that you are on camera. Comment on a blog, make a phone call, eat lunch out, shop, take a pee in a head or anything and the camera has you. Perhaps some Patriot may put a few cams in the White House? Put a camera on a mosque? hahahaha.

  3. Richard says:

    So they’ve just told patriots where to hold their meetings and plan their operations. Many mosques double as “community centers,” so they may have rooms available for hire… and you know they’re safe from snoops.

    BTW, I think this is why Wiener is running for NY mayor – the NYPD is the only law-enforcement organization in the States that actually investigates Islamic terror. He’d soon put a stop to that, I suspect.

  4. KG says:

    ‘Liberty in shambles’
    Judge Andrew P. Napolitano