The NYT ran the headline story of Zimmerman’s acquittal with this photograph.
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No fooling the commenters over at that cesspit, though.
Yeah, some damn good comments.
Francis Porretto:
‘..There’s a threshold looming ever nearer: a line which, should we cross it, we could never un-cross: the line that precipitates a real, full-scale, flying-lead race war, after which America would know its own version of apartheid.
Blacks might tell themselves that it could never come to that, that American whites are already sufficiently suffused with racial guilt to be firmly inhibited against that degree of backlash. They’re wrong — typical victims of racialist wishful thinking — and I shall tell you why….’
I noted One News at around 6.30pm said that Zimmerman was “white.”
So I emailed and told them that Zimmerman was Hispanic and had a black grandmother and that race had nothing to do with the incident.
I also linked to a story highlighting Zimmerman’s negro heritage.
I also linked to a story about the cannabis abuse committed by Martin and Obama, along with pics of the pot smoking Martin.
When they mentioned the verdict an hour or so later, no reference was made of Zimmerman’s race when to the dumbest viewer, it is obvious he is not white.
It is essential that when the media gets it wrong, they are corrected.
If the MSM knows it will be repeatedly picked up on its biases, BBC excepted, they are less likely to do so. I can only guess TVNZ was going on the newsfeeds it gets from the BBC, ABC, etc.
Like Obamba Zimmerman(German name) has negro heritage. I did not know.
You really think a few emails can alter the bias of the MSM, Fairfacts? I admire your optimism.
This is the latest headline in the Brit Daily Mail:
“America erupts as George Zimmerman is found NOT GUILTY of the murder or manslaughter of unarmed boy with bag of sweets he shot dead”
This is not a mistake, or the result of a lack of information. Nor is it simple bias. This is the media being used to push an ideological position. No amount of criticism will prevent it.
How any person with an ounce of self-respect can work as a journalist for a major media outlet which pushes shit like that escapes me.
The latest objective poll find only 28% of Americans think journalists do a good job, which I believe is even a lower rating than used car salesmen.
On a personal note, it would appear my niece has broke with me over my support for George Zimmerman…She a young woman in her early 30s with several kids who feels sorry for Trayvon’s mother for losing a son.
(BTW, my niece lives in Central Florida where the trial took place, but fortunately wasn’t picked for the jury.)
My take here:
Zimmerman and his defense team are partying tonight!
“She a young woman in her early 30s with several kids who feels sorry for Trayvon’s mother for losing a son.”
If she supported a “guilty” verdict on that basis, or if she believes justice is served by that kind of emotional claptrap, then you’re better off without that kind of idiot company, Ronbo.
Left a comment over at your place.
I agree
…and I don’t think she was honest about her reason for wanting Zimmerman found guilty. I think she is a typical “true believer” of the P.C. propaganda who has been turned into a mind numbed robot by her Leftist teachers way back in high school.
Did I tell you her first child was fathered by a black guy, who – of course – dumped her long before the baby was born? Then she married a white guy who gave her a couple of kids and is now in prison.
Sonya’s life is a mess, and she and her kids are back home with her mother
Yes, I know everyone is responsible for their actions, but her conservative mom and dad and family treated her like princess when she was young, and she did well while she lived at home, but after she graduated from high school and left home it has been one disaster after another.
On the other hand, my nephew loves my Ronbo blog
You can’t win them all…
Buy your nephew a beer, Ronbo–he sounds a lot more sensible.
Fair comment KG.
But it can only help.
Now, when we have reader comments on news sites we have a chance to balance up the coverage.
I best pop over the Stuff.
This is of interest as well.
Good link. Thanks for that, Fairfacts.
It’s hardly a scientific poll, but this entry on my blog is getting mega hits:
This tells me indirectly that many Americans think there will be Obama Regime inspired race riots if the jury finds Zimmerman innocent, which it did last night.
July 14th in America may be a very hot day in certain big cities like Miami, where the early morning summer sun is just rising.
The statement I have seen is another push to disarm the citizens. Seems gun confiscation is more important than even inciting racial hatred (although there was a hint f that too.
Great article-
Our Sure Victory
By Bruce Walker
While millions of us watch with dread the daily mischief of the enemies of freedom, and while this concern is proper and wise, we ought to recall also that these enemies are transcendent nebbishes: they know nothing; they believe nothing; they trust nothing. They flinch like savages from those of us who care about truth.
The almost total infestation of our institutions by leftists simply means that, over time, these institutions become cemeteries marked with unkempt graves. Whole sections of America have become festering scabs, as Victor Davis Hanson has described so well about the beautiful and luxuriant orchids, vineyards, and fields of his California homeland.
We are obliged to mourn all lost souls, but we are not bound to see in their despair and decline our own futures. The only real danger we face is the tantalizing but phony benefit of making peace with the left.
Read more
Link above didn’t work. (too long for workable formatting)
Please click here.
Beautiful! And a fine antidote to my current pessimism, Redbaiter. Thanks for that.
2 Future Trayvons!
Now the race riots begin.
The below is reprinted from the Organize Seattle website for demonstrations in this city, but I will wager all major USA cities have demonstrations planned for months in the past by the race baiting Communists of America.
Of course, the objective is full blown race riots and major cities burning down like they did after the King assassination in 1968.
Will it work? There is an ample number of young black Trayvons willing to give it a try, no doubt thinking Obama has their back if they get arrested.
Stay tuned for “America Burning.”
July 14 (Sunday) – Protest / Demonstration
March for Trayvon Martin
The Judicial System is flawed.. All evidence pointed to George Zimmerman being Guilty for the killing of Trayvon Martin. No Justice No Peace !! more…
July 16 (Tuesday) – Protest / Demonstration
We Are All Trayvon Martin: The Whole Damn System IS Guilty Rally After George Zimmerman Verdict Comes Down
We Are All Trayvon Martin: The Whole Damn System IS Guilty Rally After George Zimmerman Verdict Comes Down NOTE: Actual event date will vary from the July 16 (Tuesday) date shown in the event date data field. This event will occur on the actual day the verdict is announced, which should be early next week. more…
And on earlier today their main page had the five-year-old photo of the thug instead of the up-to-date gold-grilled 175lb, 6’2″ gangsta he actually was.
My other half seems to think Zimmerman shouldn’t have defended himself. I’m appalled. And questioning my taste in women…
If Zimmerman would not have had that gun he would be the one dead and no one would care.Martin would have already been caught,convicted and sitting in prison and it would not have made the local newspaper.
The media and the race pimps keep bringing up the Skittles and Ice Tea,neither of which were in the evidence logs.Truth is he was out in the rain casing the neighborhood looking for his next victims unlocked back door.
My other half thinks Zimmerman ought to be given a ‘Pest Controller of the Year’ medal.
It’s the Obama effect,read the comments under all these articles.Americans by and large are sick of these race baiting put up sham trials and they are also sick of Obama.
Obamba home town 220 Homicides since Jan. 1, 2013
I suppose it’s blacks killing blacks and whites killing whites outerwise it would be in the news.
we did not go to the moon .
The American Republic is a deeply (fatally?) fractured society along race lines. Has been for years. The present empty suit in the oval o is an openly divisive figure who has used this reality to a remarkable degree to further an agenda.
The blog Fred On Everything has the best summing up of this dire situation imo.
….you mean along racial AND ideological lines. Don’t forget the millions of white Leftists like my very white niece and her very white aunt who “defriended” me today on Facebook because I dared to say that George Zimmerman was innocent – and posted facts with links to prove my point.
Of course, neither women could come up their own facts to back up their highly emotional arguments, so they both went into the Ye Olde Leftist Mode of character assassination, charges of racism and (believe or not!) physical threats against me, a senior family member (I’m 64 years old)
I say this country is headed for a Second U.S. Civil War when even members of the same family, who have known one another for decades and broke bread together in many a family gathering, are ready to carry out a “Night of the Long Knives” against an old uncle who dares disagree with them over a politically charged trial.
Change the will, leave them nothing.
I fear you may be right Ronbo. I said as much in a draft of my post but deleted it – it seemed too extreme.
The ancient Roman Republic collapsed into civil war for much the same reasons: political corruption at the center, antagonistic conflict over national core values and a divided elite that would do anything necessary to retain power and thus public office – which had become the sole route to unbridled avarice.
Staying with the Roman parallel, in my opinion America has become too large and complex for one administration to govern. Like Diocletian, it is increasingly necessary to decentralise power back to the individual states and to have, say, a triumvirate of geographic regional presidents: east, central and west. The one emperor in Rome model no longer works.
“ my opinion America has become too large and complex for one administration to govern.”
I believe that’s true. But undoing it would be a massive job.
And it would need an informed, involved citizenry…..
UK Daily Telegraph did similar.Juxtapose a photo of Zim at the trial with a younger Martin,in sports gear.
ps Civil rights my arse ,they should be called what they are Race Privelige Advocates.
Yes, we patriot bloggers have been saying from before the Zimmerman trial started that if he were found innocent, the racist-traitor-left would charge him under federal civil rights violations.
This will be after the race riots and the murder of innocent whites, of course.
I keep getting deleted from the Hand Mirror yet never do more than ask a question or query “facts”. Their facts as stated are selective to a degree and the nice photo of Martin appears. It remains a white problem of course. I don’t endorse the killing at all and arguably Zimmerman put himself into the dangerous situation as much as Martin did but the sheer one sided nature of the blame is annoying. We will learn nothing while its all about emotions and feelings so how do we debate these issues with people who have a view of the world that ignores reality?
“how do we debate these issues with people who have a view of the world that ignores reality?”
Simple answer: we don’t. We realise and accept that some members of society are so mentally unwell, so deranged, so indoctrinated that they cannot be taught; they are beyond reaching.
We save our energy for those it’s possible to save.
Damn right. Why discuss thermodynamics with a chimp? He won’t listen and he’ll throw faeces in your face anyway.
The Hand Mirror is a nice illustration of that. I never go near the place after seeing the sickening PC multiculti garbage they publish.
Hand Mirror? More like Hand Job for those turkeys, KG.
I followed a link on another website today and I found this comment:
“Kim Kardashian tweeted ‘no justice’ in reference to the George Zimmerman case. Her Dad was OJ Simpson’s lawyer.”
I doubt that she has the two brain cells that are required to see the irony.
So some “celebrity” shiela with a big arse is now an expert on justice, eh?
She should stick to her own tacky trade, methinks….
She reveals the “celebrity culture” ………….. celebrities in who’s mind. Certainly not mine, neither are 99.99% of Hollywood. Too much unearned money does not make one wise…. or even shown that one is more than a culture in a Petrie dish.
How did I miss this thread? OMG in potato speak. Especially since I’m known to observe that while the press may be the second oldest profession, it is unquestionably the lowest.
And the media’s status is entirely of its own making.
Drawing on old New York City trash talk: they cut themselves so low they have to look up to see down.
Kevin Baker gave QOTD to Allah pundit for tweeting on the Zimmerman debacle:
The monkeys are throwing shit at the cars on the LA freeway to protest the great TM “injustice” ….The next chapter in the soap opera will be the traditional 1968 style nationwide race riots and murders of whites by blacks…Followed next by the federal civil rights trial for Zimmerman that will find him guilty of something/anything and send him up the river for having caused all the destruction.
The wild card are the whites? Do they rise in revolt? The chances are not this time, but its a steady drip, drip of Leftist crap on them that will explode one fine day in bloody rebellion, I suspect.
Monkey business in LA and NYC at the Blaze:
Now let it work. Mischief, thou art afoot.
Take thou what course thou wilt!
It will be interesting to watch the cops try to control the riots when the rioters are those that Obama is trying to get on side. There doesn’t seem to be many really and I suspect a lot will just be along for the ride. It seems like a fail.