I just found out that my Winchester M70 was made in 1952. Very cool. The thing’s nearly as old as Wabbit and still works perfectly.
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1952,back when quality was the norm rather than the exception
The Robert Shaw Festival Singers performing Agnus Dei set to Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings-
I had a Springfield 30-06 bolt action that was a great rifle made about that time. Fit me really nicely and shot straight.
Michael, there’s not a lot of things you can buy at that price and which are so well made you can hand them down to your kids.
They’re beautiful, too.
I much prefer them to the later plastic and alloy rifles.
My Remington model 700 was made in the early seventies- out of blued steel and wood.
That’s what I’d have bought for preference, Os but couldn’t find a good secondhand one at a price I could afford.
So Holder wants to charge Zimmerman with a civil rights violation. Fortunately the FBI investigation isn’t going to help.
I’m hoping to see a few media organizations sued into bankruptcy for defamation sometime soon.
Me too Oswald. I saw an item that Zimmerman intends to pursue his suit against NBC for their creative editing of the 911 call. Here’s hoping he really hurts their bottom line.
Fox news:
‘The Justice Department says it will review the George Zimmerman case to look for possible civil rights violations after Zimmerman was acquitted of second-degree murder in the death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin Saturday ..’
So…despite the fact that blacks have been attacking whites, black mobs beating up and killing whites, it seems that those black thugs aren’t committing any civil rights violations!!
Certainly, the DOJ has never suggested prosecuting blacks on that basis.
Because white people don’t have civil rights? Since when?
In Chigago, over the 3 day July 4 weekend, 74 people were shot and 11 of them died. Anyone here know any of their names? Thought not. They were all black on black; nothing to see here. And that lying prick Barry Hussein said the Trayvon killing was an American tragedy? SNORT!
Mara,here every three months more blacks are killed by other blacks than the KKK killed in it’s entire 150 year history,but no mention is made of it.
MLK was a republican,as were many blacks at the time.They took the poison apple of the left and chose social justice over civil rights and here we are.
MLK would be spinning in his grave right now if he saw what has become of his people,but social justice always trumps civil rights on the plantation of the left.
Me and Gecko spent some interesting months in this place:
Is it really a new language,or are the young ones just messing with Whitey?
Young Aborigines in these communities are always messing with languages, Darin.
I suspect the “researcher” is just looking to write an academic paper and make a name for herself.
Ah,researchers,kinda like the ones here who found a “new” species of Toad.It had one more dot than the Toads living just across the valley.So we ended up with an Eastern Piney woods Toad and a Western one.And of course they could only find three of the Western ones,so they were endangeredAlthough apparently the western ones never existed as the spots were miscounted,probably after the researcher ate some mushrooms
That’s a great area, by the way. On the edge of the Tanami desert and full of interesting wildlife.
On the morning we left, I sat with coffee in hand and watched a gigantic blood-red moon setting over the desert and listening to dingos howling.
One of the most magical dawns ever.
I was wondering about the Desert after seeing the green in the pictures.So it’s along the rim of the true Desert,kind of like West Texas where the plant life is short,has waxy feeling leaves and very tough.
Yep. Very similar. One of the reasons I reckon West Texas would be a great place to live.
Whooooo……………. One can but dream……….
SA’s best export, by a long way!
What I find amazing is, the more I drink, the more Wellington’s herds of nocturnal gazelles look like her.
Which is why I try not to drink too much when I’m on safari!
SA’s best export, by a long way!
They’re two a penny there mate! (or used to be on Durban beach).
Durban, eh? I’ve never been there; might be worth a visit.
Now all I need is a penny. Or perhaps 2. Do I get a discount if I want an even dozen?
Sigh…Durban beach….fond memories. Not that I noticed the superb examples of womanhood, mind you. Nossir, not me.