Quote of the week:

‘..We’re allowed to have elections because we vote for Democrats or Republicans. The ballot box is a toy that we’re allowed to play with because we’ve shown that despite some scary moments, we won’t use it to burn down the system. If we ever did go rogue, the ballot box would be taken away from us, the bad names would get scrubbed off the lists and the administrators of the nanny state would then give it back to us with a stern warning to mend our ways…’  Daniel Greenfield

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13 Responses to Quote of the week:

  1. Ronbo says:

    The purpose of the Second American Revolution is not reformation of the government beast – it is the killing of the creature. :evil:

  2. KG says:

    Voting is a farce. Absurd theatre designed to maintain the myth that we, the people, have some control over our rulers.

    • MikeH. says:

      I fear we have arrived at the point in time where we won’t be granted even meager control over our own bowel movements.

      It is definitely time for the judicious application of rule .308

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        “I fear we have arrived at the point in time where we won’t be granted even meager control over our own bowel movements”

        ….try kaopectate :smile:

  3. You all have about sated it all – so–I’ll go back to caring for my home – horse-cat-and little farm–
    I am looking for a woman’s pistol/rifle group–

    • Michael in Nelson says:


      My mom had a .25 automatic over 5o years ago for when my Dad was out of town for work. Nice little ladies gun. In later years she used a 25-3000 for deer. Not much recoil but a solid rifle.

  4. Robertv says:

    We just think we are free because we can go to Pamplona, Spain, get pissed and the next morning gored by a bull.


    Amazing how we trust our balconies.

    • Robertv says:

      I am sure she could have done the same thing at your place KG and a lot cheaper.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Then we are agreed, band of brothers and sisters :?: :idea:

    OVER THE TOP :!: :evil:

    …and to hell with him that first cries, HOLD! ENOUGH :!: :evil:

    We The People made the government…

    We The People can destroy the government…

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    “The difference, most reasonable people would point out, is that we were still democracies, which is to say that we voted for things. And the thing we voted for was rule by politician-lawyers whom we knew that we couldn’t trust even before we voted for them.”

    Sounds like something out of A.A. Milne’s ‘Winnie-the-Pooh’. Pooh is a bear of very little brain (much like we who are scammed by the voting con-job), but seems always to have a store of logic (much unlike us).