And what she deserves:
The kind of incompetent, indulgent parent whose brats make life a misery for others. No wonder the husband left!
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No husband is mentioned…Maybe that’s the main problem I’ll never forget the “Shape up or ship out” speech my dad gave me when I was a six year old, spoiled by mom brat who refused to attend Day One at school Also, no job for mommy mentioned either…are they living on the welfare dime Maybe that’s problem number two.
The comments under the article are great.
(the husband left 18 months ago)
Okay, I get the funding source: Daddy Care
The myth is that girls don’t need a daddy, which I think the mommy believed, so after baby daughter finally arrived, daddy was no longer needed…just his money.
The moral to this story is don’t mess up the traditional family, as there is a very good reason besides the sex part for a man and wife to raise a kids.
For one thing – the two of you get to play “Good cop, bad cop” – “Honey, you are my favorite daughter, but daddy says you can’t join that boy band at age 14 ”
My Mother would have given me a spanking the first time I tried that bs. I would have given this bitch the same, plus loss of many privileges too. My girls never acted like that. PS they were tomboys who hated Barbies and loved pirate movies. They have grown up to be productive members of society.
If I was that little girl I would be pissed too if some bitch named me Ottoline.
Silly first name syndrome