The stench of betrayal and treason……..

From a comment in TrueblueNZ:
‘…Another piece falls into place. In a press conference last week Obama was not wearing his wedding ring nor was he wearing his watch. When noticed, his staff said his ring was out for repairs. No reason was given for the missing watch.
So it’s just a coincidence that Muslims are forbidden from wearing jewellery during the month of Ramadan?..’
And there’s much more.

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4 Responses to The stench of betrayal and treason……..

  1. Ronbo says:

    ….After the Zimmerman trial, Obama played the race card.

    This week he plays the Muslim card.

    “Divide and Conquer” is his motto – and it worked well for Julius Caesar.

  2. Findalis says:

    Obama will get one of his wishes come true. If all goes according to his plans, Israel will cease to exist as a nation in 10 months.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Left has to destroy Christian America and Jewish Israel – the New Testament and the Old Testament are major roadblocks in the march to The New World Order :!: :evil:

  3. KG says:

    Four Americans murdered while Obama slept, and:
    ‘The White House said bluntly Wednesday that it considers the controversy over the Benghazi attack to be among the so-called ‘phony scandals’ that President Obama has been complaining about in recent speeches.’