John Key is a mendacious weasel:

‘John Key has justified the changes to the country’s spying laws by saying some people in New Zealand have been trained by al-Qaeda.
…In the radio interview Mr Key said in the “real world” the power to spy on civilians was necessary.
“In New Zealand there are people who’ve been trained for al-Qaeda camps who operate out of New Zealand, who are in contact with people overseas, who have gone off to Yemen and other countries to train.
“I’m sorry, but that’s the real world.”
Well, I’m sorry too, Mr. Key. Sorry to see what was a fine little country being led by a smirking asshole who thinks that it’s better to spy on ordinary Kiwis than to revoke the citizenship of and deport people who are not, never were and never will be Kiwis.
But of course it’s not really about a few people training with Al Qaeda, is it? That’s merely an excuse to ramp up government surveillance and control and satisfy your filthy statist urges.

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18 Responses to John Key is a mendacious weasel:

  1. Yep, the problem is Islam which is easily solved–don’t let them in. But he will never get to that level of simplicity; he would prefer big brother spying on everyone.

  2. KG says:

    Yep. Never let an opportunity to tighten the chains go to waste, eh?

  3. Barry says:

    Because of his corrupt, official, racial discrimination in favour of part-maoris and Pacific islanders I think he should go down in history as the most hated prime minister NZ has ever had.

    • KG says:

      Yep. But his popularity is rising right now, Barry. What does that say about the Kiwi electorate?
      Sure, it’s partly because of the lack of a credible alternative but rising popularity is a worry.

    • mawm says:

      Latest polls have Nats at 51%. It must be that he has at last decided to trim Welfare, the lower taxes paid by the top brackets, the perception that the the deficit is manageable, etc. People have very short memories about the anti-smacking bill, the foreshore and seabed, the indigenous peoples treaty, the payouts for TOW, homosexual marriage, pandering to Obama’s Hollywood donors in allowing the Dotcom saga, etc, etc. On the other hand, the alternatives are just too horrible to contemplate and every policy announcement by Labour underlines what idiots they are.

      • Mawm, it is a sad day when only get to choose between dumb and dumber.

      • Andrew Berwick says:

        every policy announcement by Labour underlines what idiots they are.

        Yep. every policy announcement by Labour underlines what idiots they [National] are

        because John Key hasn’t see a Labour policy he didn’t like.
        RailFrootLoop – tick
        School meals – tick
        Home insulation subsidies – tick
        Mucking with the housing market – tick

        John Key – another 9 or 12 years of Helen Clark’s policies – just with a prettier face!

        • Ronbo says:

          Interesting that even in New Zealand BOTH major political parties are Leftist…ditto Britain…ditto America.

          So what’s the point of voting when there doesn’t exist a viable opposition party :?:

          Now someone tell there isn’t an International Socialist conspiracy to take control of Western Civilization that has pretty much been successful.

  4. Flashman says:

    Strange how there are no islamic terrorists in Japan.

    For why you ask?

    Simple. They don’t accept these so-called refugees and dodgy immigrants.

    Come on NZ. Wakey wakey.

    • Ronbo says:

      After the American Revolution thousands of Tories (traitors) took ship out of the new United States with the last of the Redcoats…Thus history proves that immigration is not a one way deal. :mrgreen:

  5. Cadwallader says:

    Spying is (or can be) akin to the cat chasing its tail….until you start spying generally, terrorists cannot be specifically identified. I question that the current GCSB is as problematic as it is being depicted by the NZ left, in fact it is a bill which not only clarifies powers to spy, it limits those powers. I haven’t a clue whether John Key’s assertion is correct but perhaps some spies do? I suppose a fell swoop would require all Muslims being deported on sight? Not such a far-fetched measure really.

    • KG says:

      Regardless of anything claimed by the left, Cad, I have serious doubts that spying is doing anything to keep us safe when the Boston bombers, for example, were known to the FBI yet still managed to kill people. Same with the head-lopper on a London street.
      You said “until you start spying generally, terrorists cannot be specifically identified”. I’d certainly question that assertion. There’s no need to be spying generally, when 99.9% of terrorists are known to be adherants of islam.
      Perhaps the cowardice which leads governments and organisations such as the FBI to avoid any suggestion of profiling leads to the necessity to spy on all of us. In which case, the answer is to grow a fucking pair and admit what everybody knows–that islam is the problem, islam provides the pool from which terrorists come.
      How many liberties are we supposed to surrender in the name of combatting an ideology aimed at destroying our liberties?
      At this rate, Western governments are doing the job for them. :evil:

      • Cadwallader says:

        Don’t disagree. The difficult bit is to identify any western politician with the guts to call Islam out for what it is.
        The real dangers flow less from the obvious “intelligence agencies” but from their ability to cross-reference all information obtained with what is held by other agencies…ie tax offices etc.. I personally have zero problems with the government “spying” on beneficiaries who are acting fraudulently against the interests of the taxpayer. Then again, that problem is readily solved by the abolition of benefits.

  6. john says:

    Aren’t you being a bit hard on weasels, KG?

  7. mistress mara says:

    I can deal with weasels(they bite so don’t touch them) but I am increasingly unwilling to deal with the human versions of them. Put a human brain in a weasel and you have a lying, opportunistic scavenger which will rape you to the extent that you notice or protest. In other words, a politican.

  8. Ronbo says:


    You nail on the head :!:

    There are two reasons the Left wants unrestricted Muslim immigration to the West (1) The votes and (2) They are allies with the Left in the destruction Western Civilization.

    Like the old Arab proverb says, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

    And make no mistake about it – patriots like us are a greater threat to the Left than the Muslims – and their actions in regards to DHS are directed against their fellow countrymen – and not their allied Islamic barbarians.

  9. dondiego says:

    If they used laws they already have there’d be 14 maoris in jail STILL instead of what :?: four Urawera Terror Squad jungle-bunnies who are probably back out and plotting their next move.

    Oh, I forgot Key’s massive land give-away. That will appease them.

    Ian Wishart reported radical cleric visits maybe a couple of years ago now. Computer is too slow to find a link. I agree with everything stated above.