The Rodeo Clown in the Whitehouse

This whole story since it started demonstrates several things quite well.It demonstrates a left and media so desperate to find cover for a failing president that they are flailing around trying to get traction on anything to distract the public.Race baiting is high on the list so a week after video surfaced of three black students pummeling a white one,where not a word was uttered from any of the supposed civil rights leaders,we have the entire brunt of the US media and all of it’s assorted wackos,physcopaths and race pimps in full display over a Rodeo Clown and a Rubber mask.Liberal media pitchmen and race baiters alike are comparing a Rodeo Clown to a KKK meeting or a Lynching,does anyone take them seriously anymore?


So now we have the NAACP demanding the DOJ and Secret Service investigate a Rodeo Clown.No reaction at all over Fast and Furious.Not a word about the IRS scandal or NSA spying on US citizens.Not a peep about the weekly death toll,not on the streets of Baghdad or valleys of Afghanistan,but on the streets of Chicago or Detroit.Nothing not a word,the silence is deafening and very telling.

Admittedly the left and their media hounds and racial lackeys have been having a rough go of it lately.They didn’t get the outcome they wanted in the Zimmerman trial.George Zimmerman turned out not only to be a registered Democrat and Obama voter,but also not a racist,hmmmm…maybe that was the problem?Had he been black,Democrat and racist he could have easily gotten away with murder,let alone proven self-defense.The whole media driven circus didn’t even yield a decent riot,despite their best sad for them.

Paula Dean as it turns out also isn’t a racist.Seems her main crime was Frying Chicken in Lard and using extra syrup in the Pecan Pie.I don’t know the woman personally and can’t remember ever watching her cooking show,but I figure anyone who comes forward and apologises profusely for something that happened 30 years ago in passing can’t be all bad.The lefty race baiters and the media goules didn’t see it that way.They kept on until she had lost her show,lost her book deals and bascially lost everything she had built.No mention of the people who she employed on her show and in her resturuants or those working for the publisher printing her cook books,I’m sure they will be fine though,the government is there to provide their sustinance and birthcontrol pills.Seems a judge to day ruled that she wasn’t a racist afterall,bit of a problem that,the shock,say it ain’t so?

But we already knew that didn’t we?See real racists never aplogise,Has Sharpton ever aplogised when he was wrong?Will he apologise now?Don’t hold your breath-

Interesting Sharpton’s followers bailed him out and left his human step stool standing alone.Now by the media and his own standard shouldn’t he be pummeled into losing his show and losing his book deals like Paula Dean?Never gonna happen,he never apologised,has never shown humility or weakness a diehard to the core.But as much as this is hyperventilating about racism real or imagined,it’s much more about distraction.The Rodeo Clown in bad taste or not was nothing even approaching what the left did to Bush,they had his head on a Pike after all.

Had the Rodeo Clown named his Bull Ben Ghazi or Fast and Furious it would have been brilliant political satire at it’s finest.But then again this whole administration is a joke only no one is laughing except the Clown in the Whitehouse.The question is not what now,but what next?Where can they go from here?We have character assasination,false accusations and media lynchings,what next a supply of wooden crosses to burn? They already have the Hoodies afterall…….

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31 Responses to The Rodeo Clown in the Whitehouse

  1. Darin says:

    Hmmmm…dunno what’s wrong with the links :oops:

  2. KG says:

    Fixed. Mostly. :lol: And a damn good post. What really burns me is how quiet a lot of so-called conservatives are about this gigantic farce.
    We popped up the road to do some shopping, but it’s still a 500km round trip from the new place.
    Back now, throwing some snags on the barbie.

    • Darin says:

      Thanks!The ellps hecker odesn’t smee to be htrer etheri :oops:

      Meant to ask how the new diggs were working out,150 odd miles each way,not too many neighbors I presume :grin:

      Oh,the f–king republicans are all falling on their swords over this stupidity,anything brown drives them into an apologistic hail storm.Hillary over the weekend gave a talk at the American Bar Association on why she thinks the SCOTUS ruling on voter ID laws was wrong and why it disinfranchises minority voters.

      Apparently disinfranchise means having three years to get a state ID card for free and even being offered free transportation to get said ID.Of course to hear the libs tell it getting a voter ID card is a long expensive process 1nvolving a three hundred mile hike through the snow,uphill both ways fending off Indian attack and wild dogs. :roll:

  3. mawm says:

    And something to cheer about ………… Oprah gets her fat arse whipped by a Swiss shop attendant when she makes false claims about racial discrimination when shopping for a purse ………….a croc skin purse at that whilst the fat one professes to be a so called animal rights spokeswoman. :roll: Hypocrite doesn’t even begin to cover it.

  4. KG says:

    Excellent! I hope the sales clerk sues her fat black lying ass off.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    Re: the black teenagers who beat the hell out of the 13 year-old white….

    The father of one of the ‘defendants’ said he is ‘Sorry’ and he has suffered consequences. Funny though, the kid wasn’t saying anything. I really don’t care if they were ‘first offenders’. That only means they haven’t been caught before.

    I have an idea…why not, as a punishment, three big white guys get to beat the crap out of each of the perps?

  6. Redbaiter says:

    Re the clown issue- where the fuck are the Republicans on this soviet style inquisition? Cowardly bastards.

    • KG says:

      They are that. And profoundly dishonest as well. They promote themselves as an alternative to the left when they are no better. :evil:

      • Redbaiter says:

        Actually just read a report where two or three of the directors of the fair are fucking Republicans anyway.

        New party.

        These fuckers are worse than useless.

        • KG says:

          I’m beginning to think (I know, I know) that instead of a new party, the answer might be for every man and his dog to vote for the left.
          Then sit back and watch as they reduce everything to Detroit.

    • Oswald Bastable says:

      Funny- no mention of those Reagan & Bush masks that used to pop up in all sorts of unflattering circumstances…

  7. KG says:

    A prime example of utterly shameless scumbag leftist “journalism”:
    ‘How Fairfax reporters sum up what Tony Abbott said:
    In an interview on Wednesday morning, Mr Abbott appeared to dismiss same-sex marriage as “the fashion of the moment”.
    What Abbott actually said:
    We have to be conscious of the fact that we are all the products of the society, of the culture, of the circumstances that have shaped us.
    I’m not saying that our culture, our traditions are perfect, but we have to respect them and my idea is to build on the strength of our society and I support, by and large, evolutionary change.
    I’m not someone who wants to see radical change based on the fashion of the moment.

    I think Fairfax bias is a problem in this election.
    But if you really want misrepresentation of what Abbott said – misrepresentation to the point of deceit – here’s the Deputy Prime Minister:
    To describe sexual orientation as the fashion of the moment will be deeply offensive to those who understand, and most Australians do, that people’s sexual orientation are just the way they are.
    That is not what Abbott said and it is dishonorable of Albanese to claim that it is.’
    Andrew Bolt

  8. Ronbo says:

    Redbaiter said:

    “Re the clown issue- where the fuck are the Republicans on this soviet style inquisition? Cowardly bastards.”

    While the rank & file (Tea Party Movement) of the GOP is to the right of Rush Limbaugh – the leadership, organization and money of the GOP is firmly in Progressive hands.

    Never forget that the first Progressive president and creator of the short lived American Empire was Teddy Roosevelt.

    In fact, in over 100 years the Republicans Party has sent only two conservative (patriot) presidents to the White House – Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s and Ronald Reagan in the 1980s :!: :cry:

    This is the reason why the next turn of the political drama in America will very likely be the creation of a “Patriot Party” ….

    If you recall your American History, the Republican Party was created out of the corpse of the old Whig Party in 1856, which fell apart because of ideological differences, as the Southern Whigs supported slavery and the patriot branch of the party opposed it.

    Likewise today’s GOP is falling apart for ideological reasons – The Progressive Republicans support Big Government socialism, and the patriot branch, where over 80% of the rank and file lives, strongly oppose it.

    Senator McCain is the leader of the Progressive Republicans.

    Senator Ted Cruz is coming on strong as the leader of the Patriot Republicans.

    Anyhow, before the civil war, political battle lines must be formed…

    Thus the Progressive Republican Party will either go the way of the Whigs, or the Progressives purged from the leadership.

  9. countenance says:

    I’m at the Missouri State Fair. The amazing thing is that the “rodeo clown” is a far bigger deal outside the fair than it is inside. The whole thing is, pardon the pun, a media circus.

    • KG says:

      ” The whole thing is, pardon the pun, a media circus.”
      Aye, but useful propaganda and intimidation nonetheless, Countenance.

  10. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!RMCB!!!*Yours very trulilily hath been assed by He Majesty**

    *Ride um Cowboy
    **(Will the Bog Administraitor pls eliminate this remark Yvt will send U A Bush clown mask left over from Halloween looks like a slow news cycle yvt truly hopes and trusts so for if it B not then even those of us loyal followers well may also be in trouble and the legal illegal legals R deeply concerned that Carmelita’s Lounge and Arugular Bar & Grille risks closure due to big ass ear comments overheard by the Kompound Espanol inteerpreteress who has the biggest ears of anybopdy & everybody loves to pull on them OMG what a pleasure oh my gotta a beep going off in my earplug tata sis boom bah you low rent US Persons in our 56-57th Stakes try sum arugular salad next time it will help grow yr ears fuck you 10-4 over undt out get me ooutta this nuthouse come get me now. YVT HPH

  11. Contempt says:

    Harvard, You better watch out or your highly educated stupid ears will grow to gigantic proportions. Ain’t that right? U No it is. :shock: Anybody want to buy my buckin bronco which is guaranteed to throw yo ass in a second or less and you will need a pink bicycle helmet to qualify to ride. Next is the bull ropin’ event dude. :roll:
    Divuldgement: Contempt has been throwed two times both of which was on his lifetime record of 2 rides.

  12. Ronbo says:

    countenance said:

    “I’m at the Missouri State Fair. The amazing thing is that the “rodeo clown” is a far bigger deal outside the fair than it is inside. The whole thing is, pardon the pun, a media circus.”

    Rush Limbaugh, America’s real anchorman, had some interesting comments about this incident today on the radio:
    “And I said not long ago, don’t look for some major tsunami type, tumultuous political event. It isn’t gonna be that. And then I told a little joke, no doubt irritated the left. I said, it’s gonna be something along the lines of Obama dissing the latest CD from Justin Timberlake and ticking off the low-information crowd. Folks, there are series of things out there — I’ll go into them in some detail. Yesterday, we had the audio of Kris Jenner, the Kardashian mother ripping into Obama for making fun of her daughter. Obama was holding up her daughter and her husband as examples of how not to be.

    So the president can dish it out, but he can’t take it, and his defenders can’t take it, and his party can’t take it. You imagine being wound so damn tight that what happens at the State Fair in Missouri — this is all race. Everybody knows this is all race. You put Bill Clinton in the White House and put that clown with the Clinton mask on there, and it doesn’t even make the news.”

    Complete comments here and well worth the read:

    “The devil cannot stand to be mocked :!:


    This is the bottom line to the “Clown Affair :!::evil:

  13. Ronbo says:


    Glenn Beck has declared this Friday to be “Mock Obama Day” – so I was thinking that you may interested in having sport with our Dear Leader :?: And I’m sure the members of our little Parliament at Crusader Rabbit could come up some very creative mocking of El Presidente :!: :mrgreen:

  14. Is the secret service going to investigate the bull as well? After all it did attack the Obama mask.

  15. Darin says:

    I was thinking today about this and I remembered watching Saturday Night Live right after the Three Mile Island accident.The SNL episode that featured a mutated 90ft tall Jimmy Carter-The Pepsi Syndrome :lol:

    Fun starts at 9:00 in

  16. Darin says:

    Rush Limbaugh-“Liberal Reaction to the Missouri Rodeo Clown is Akin to the Radical Muslim Response to a Mohammed Cartoon”

    he nails it,nails it!

    • KG says:

      He sure does. :grin:

      • Ronbo says:

        Free promo for Rush Limbaugh – anyone in the world for FREE can get three hours El Rushbo on the old PC by way of WFLA and other radio stations.

        If the time frame doesn’t fit your schedule, Rush 24/7 is available for a small monthly fee of $6.95…

        Without a doubt, Rush Limbaugh is America’s anchorman and if you folks in other parts of the planet want to know what REAL Americans think on politics, tune into El Rushbo Monday thru Friday.

  17. Darin says:

    Oh,Friday night on FOX Hannity is doing an hour show with Mark Levin,should a be a good show.