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8 Responses to oooooh!

  1. Darin says:

    He’s got no balls.
    No coalition.
    No UN security council approval.
    No support of the American people.
    No clue of what he is doing.
    And no permission from Congress.

    Proof once again he is not the One he is the Zero.

  2. Contempt says:

    Darin, However, he will do it even though every punch has been publicly noted. But he will be upstairs playing cards or at the nineteenth hole somewhere safe.

  3. RWT says:


    Mind you Assad would be trembling, not at this clown, he’d shit himself if the might of the US army were unleashed upon him. They’re the real terrifying force, just ask saddam, osama, gaddafi etc…. no wait, you can’t.

    I hope obama doesn’t, not because i like assad or anything, largely because we all know this clown hasn’t got the ticker to see it through, that and the fact that bombing assad would help the bastards on the other side, who are just as bad.

    Why waste the blood and money of westerners on a war somewhere else, let them kill each other and leave us alone.

    • Ronbo says:

      …but you see our rodeo clown of a president in black face done drew a red line in the sand in regards to the Syrian Regime using chemical weapons…apparently it’s okay to shoot, burn, bomb, stab, etc. 100,000 innocent people, BUT YOU DON’T USE CHEMICAL WEAPONS TO KILL A COUPLE OF HUNDRED :!: :shock:

      Also, our El Presidente For Life never backs down when his bluff is called…HE DOUBLES DOWN…So I’m afraid it’s gonna be WW III, unless we have a revolution and run the traitor out of our government. :evil:

  4. Darin says:

    Yah,the military is part of it,but you noticed Reagan when dealing with Gadaffi didn’t draw any lines or talk any bullshit,he dropped a bomb through his bedroom window.That’s because Reagan right,wrong or otherwise was a Leader and when he made a decision he stuck to it.

    Red lines in the Sand tend to shift and get stepped on.