‘The Muslim Brotherhood President

The State Department announced Wednesday that it was cutting hundreds of millions in military and other aid to Egypt, and make no mistake: this was not a government shutdown move. This was the President of the United States blackmailing a sovereign state to force it to restore the Muslim Brotherhood government he favors….’
Of course, he claims that this is to pressure the Egyptian government to “restore democracy”–which means handing the country over to the islamists. The Boy King doesn’t think we’re too stupid to know this…the blatant lies are simply an upraised digit to the American people. “What ya gonna do about it, eh?”

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3 Responses to ‘The Muslim Brotherhood President

  1. thor42 says:

    I don’t think the Egyptians will budge (and good on them!).

    They will raise a huge middle finger to Obutthead and say “get stuffed….”.

  2. dondiego says:

    I saw a video a couple of years ago- likely from here, that had him in his own words saying how beautiful the koran was and mocking Christians.

    My mate rode around the pyramids on a camel a few years back(5,6?). When the “Arab Sping” kicked-off some dudes on camels rode into the protesters swinging BIG clubs. Likely the joker my mate paid; who at that time said he did it because he couldn’t feed the kids now.
    I mentioned that as I don’t know the for/against % and things could get really ugly.

  3. Mathew says:

    Eventually i think the islamists will win out in Egypt, it’s usually the way in the arab world, they sometimes say and pretend that they want peace and freedom, but sooner or later they gravitate to their old ways of stoning women, hating on Jews, persecuting minorities and the old barbarism.

    As for Americans and obama, he’ll be remembered as their greatest president, hang on you say….. oh look another hollywood tart is exposing and pimping herself, catch you on twitter.