How long will it take, if ever?

Not Today
If you love liberty, pray for this day.

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4 Responses to How long will it take, if ever?

  1. I dunno says:

    It’s a good yarn, but we’re a little away that yet.

    The sooner the better though…

  2. Contempt says:

    :shock: The God Damn America US Persons probably all have private jets so they will not be bothered by this. They fly so high above us. :roll:

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    !!!LL*LR**!!!!BlackBerry tweeted that his upbringing in Kenya, Indonesia, HowRya wherever clearly classifies heseff as a Citizen of the World* undt more-over that**he B commandN a cruz* mongst he peons N D US Navy which he**has commandeereD for a First Citizen of D World Grande* Tour**Bcause he B such a sweet baby undt nebber*done nothin’ bad plus nebber shot a BB rifle**had a job hence*he B**offended*2 have 2** almost* apologize**2*no**one*make**that*clearly no**mistake* ** * **plus that Cointempt dude yo* ** * ** ***

    *LL look leff
    **LR look right
    ***spin like a top

  4. Ronbo says:

    The Lexington Moment in the Second American Revolution?

    All it takes are Federal Redcoats and a Captain Parker with one squad of Minutemen who refuse to back down.

    The revolution is inevitable.

    The only question is when and where it will start.