A story up on Drudge says that two political candidates are ahead in their respective elections,despite the fact that both are Dead.
2 Dead Candidates Winning in Washington Elections
This raises several intriguing questions and presents an opportunity for experimentation.First,should they win and be allowed to finish their elected terms it would offer a chance to see if an elected official who has achieved room temperature would perform his duties better or worse than his live counterparts in government.
Second,if at the end of their terms graft,corruption and outright theft in office have increased,it would serve as proof of life after death,or at the very least Zombies.
Half the voters are zombies, so why not zombie candidates?
I wonder if the people who voted for them did so in full knowledge hoping they had finally found a candidate they could trust?
Thanks for fixing the link BTW.
No problem.
What parties did the undead belong to?
These days it doesn’t really matter since the Elephants are in league with the Donkeys.
Interesting yes. But could I plead for “their” not “they’re”. Pedant that I am.
Insist he change it, Minette.
Thar,I done fixDed it up propaR
Their,They’re,There,Sheesh,read it with your eyes closed next time
Speaking of Washington state – We lucky inmates of the Soviet Seattle have us a really sweet new mayor:
Ain’t he pretty I personally took the picture on Seattle Gay Pride Day last summer
Now there is a guy who has it all going for him: Communism, homosexual and hates bike paths
I wonder what his big scandal will be Discovered in bed with a WOMAN
I had to read that story to make sure you weren’t pulling our leg Darin. Sadly you weren’t.
Better start praying for America.