Bullsh*t, unaffected by facts:

‘WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Climate envoys from rich countries, emerging economies and low-lying nations at risk of being swamped by rising seas will meet in Poland for the next two weeks to lay the groundwork for a new global warming pact.
…Climate change is “very, very scary stuff. And evidence is accumulating weekly, monthly as to how dangerous this will be. So there is a huge urgency that we get on with this,” said Andrew Steer, the head of the World Resources Institute in Washington…’     the source of this bullshit “reporting”

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11 Responses to Bullsh*t, unaffected by facts:

  1. KG says:

    Good to see you, Robert. Thanks for the links.

  2. mawm says:

    There are many airports around the world that are just feet above the MHWS and often get swamped with a storm surge…………. but I don’t see any of these ‘climate change’-supporting governments doing anything to raise them. I wonder why? :roll:

  3. Mathew says:

    Thankfully Australia isn’t sending anyone, yes the adults are back in charge and the irritating twitters have been sent home.

  4. Darin says:

    What kills me are the “globalwarmingclimatechangewereallgonnacook”headlines inserted between stories about record cold and record snowfall. :roll:

    Weak,anemic solar maximum-

  5. Darin says:

    It was 74f today and will be 29f tomorrow,I think winter is here.