‘YANGON, Myanmar (AP) Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said sectarian violence in newly opened Myanmar sickens the world as he met with political and civic leaders Thursday to discuss challenges facing the emerging democracy following a half-century of military rule.
The attacks on Muslims are a topic many in this predominantly Buddhist nation of 60 million try to avoid. Soon after President Thein Sein formed a quasi-civilian government in early 2011 and began making sweeping political and economic changes, deep-seated prejudices against the Muslim minority started to surface.
In the past year, more than 240 people have been killed and 240,000 others forced to flee their homes, most of them Muslims hunted down by stick- and machete-wielding Buddhist mobs. Members of the security forces have been accused of standing by, at times even abetting rioters, in some cases, but none has been punished…’
And it doesn’t sicken a whole lot of people in India, Nigeria, Thailand. Africa and all the other places where they’ve been victims of islamist violence. Clinton is a fine one to lecture on morality, eh? If the bastard had any sense of shame he’d slink off and shut his mouth.
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Defined by its magnitude Clinton’s moral position can best be described as inversely proportional to the cube of the number of damp cigars he smoked whilst president.
Interesting that the degenerate inbred Arkansas white trash commie Bill Clinton has all kinds of concern for the Muslims of Burma, but none for the Muslim Holocaust of Christians in Iraq, Syria and Egypt.
240? They hit that number before brunch on a slow day on every islamic country on earth!
As Ronbo said, no tears for the Christians of Iraq, Syria or Egypt, Slick Willie?
These muslims are the authors of their own misfortune. The Buddhists have had enough of the muslims constantly kidnapping and raping the Buddhist women, and are fighting back. From what I have read these muslims are not native to Burma but recent invaders from Bangladesh, started calling themselves Rhoingya and saying they have always lived there, and of course the compliant msm go along with it.
You’ve got to do something really special to piss off a Buddhist.
That Buddhists are pissed off enough to beat,chop and kill these bastards should be all anybody needs to know about Muslims.
Buddhist are gentle and forgiving folk like Christians…
But you can only push them so far…
Yup,everybody has limits.
I myself am not a Buddhist,but it still pissed me off when the Taliban blew up the Buddhist statues in Afghanistan.
You all have ‘said’ it all–
Now-it is time for Christians to STOP turning the other cheek and do waht the Buddhists have done to the followers of the ‘religion of peace’!
Do I hear an AMEN!!
Rhetorical ? – no need to answer!
Time for a Biblical smack down on ALL the forces of evil
We wish…..
I agree with Darin above, but the pessimist in me see’s maggots like slick willy, (who was and should bloody-well remain thoroughly discredited) foisting the heathen scum onto white countries.
I reckon Abbott’s clever enough to realise Pax Americana is no more. “It’s important to always remember, for instance, that no one is right all the time and that complicated problems are best solved by large groups with diverse experience and knowledge, he said.” equals diseased unassimilables spreading their filth so willy can sell more drugs.
No thanks. Go the Buddhists
These Buddhists are *great!*. They are some of the sanest and most intelligent people in the world.
*They* know scum when they see it.