One last Toast

Doolittle Raiders meet for final Toast-

B-25s return to honor Raiders-

Excerpt from memory of an old RCA radio show that used to play during July4th celebrations every year-

“It’s 18 April,1942,you and 79 of your fellow pilots and crew are about to embark on a mission they say can’t be done.Your plane has been stripped of it’s defensive armament and loaded with as much Avgas as it will carry.

The mission will take you over Tokyo and across Japan,both bristling with anti-aircraft batteries and crawling with troops.And what are you doing there?Well your there to drop bombs and get out,but your not going back to your Carrier.No your going to China,that’s right,China which is also mostly occupied by troops from the Island nation you just bombed.

Sound okay?Still in?Well the first thing you have to do is survive takeoff……….

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2 Responses to One last Toast

  1. Ronbo says:

    Twilight for the greatest generation produced by Western Civilization :!:

    We shall not see their like again… :sad:

    • Darin says:

      Yep,if todays generation faced the same reality the country would be over run by the enemy before they could get off the sofa :sad: