Socialist thieves

and their media accomplices:
‘How curious.  A recent Fairfax report into alleged abuses of VIP flights – part of its confected “expenses scandal” coverage aimed almost solely at Coalition MPs – failed to point the finger at a single Labor MP
…LABOR ministers plundered about $2 million on farewell around-the-world tours in the dying months of the Gillard and Rudd governments.
..the records also reveal … the 10-day trip by former climate change minister Greg Combet and ABC newsreader girlfriend Juanita Phillips through France, Belgium and Germany in April has come in at $72,027…’           Andrew Bolt
“Champions of the working class” eh….effing hypocrites.

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7 Responses to Socialist thieves

  1. Lady Thatcher always said that socialism was great, until you ran out of other people’s money. But more that just political ideology has changed. Governments were never intended to be the masters of the people. They were intended to be the servant. That paradigm has changed and now government sees these “perks” as their rightful due. The Obama administration has burned through billions of taxpayer dollars on failed green schemes and payoffs to their political cronies. There are also literally hundreds of millions of dollars that cannot even be accounted for and nobody says a word. Well…nobody, but the TEA Party and we all know what the press and career pols think of them.

    • mawm says:

      @ William Stout -I have just visited your blog – for the very first time. I am sorry to hear about your heart attack and hope that all is going well. BTW you have some good quotes in the margins and a very readable blog.

      • Ronbo says:

        Of course, Socialists are the champions of the work class taxpayers! :mrgreen:

        These “little people” are to shut up, pay their taxes and vote for their Labor heroes at every election :!: :evil:

      • William Stout says:

        @mawm – Thank you for your kind words. They are much appreciated.

  2. Contempt says:

    OT: Rumor via HarvardPotatoHead is that the schizo signer [reputed to be a Kenyan] has been hired by BlackBerry to direct the US Air Force Band PLUS maintain/interpret/sign telePrompters. Also, Diplomatic Pouch is getting her period. Period.

    My country is very sick. Nothing would surprise me.

  3. Mathew says:

    Sadly none of this makes any difference to the average leftie, so long as they hear the sweet lies regularly and promises of this and that, that’s enough for them.

  4. Wombat says:

    The callous bastard in me looks forward to ushering them by rifle-fire back where-from they came when the lights go out and the food gets scarce.

    In my weaker moments I will always do my best to recall how eager they were to have me in chains, draining every drop of blood and sweat they could feasibly vote out of my body.