‘Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes’

palin1  Sarah Palin:
‘No one can argue with the fact that Paul Ryan’s compromise budget bill raises taxes and increases spending. Show me one Republican who got elected on that platform. Spare America the Orwellian word games. If the government is taking money out of your pocket to fund its growing Big Brother operations, it’s a tax…’

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15 Responses to ‘Read My Lipstick: No New Taxes’

  1. thor42 says:

    “Read my lipstick…”

    I’m sorry…. I was busy looking a bit lower than that….. ;)

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    Her straight talk is the main reason so many people REALLY like her. That and she doesn’t shift positions like a yacht tacking in a close race.

    (and Thor is right, she is easy on the eyes http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif)

    • mawm says:

      And why the left (and the RINO’s) really, really, really hate her. The only dumb thing she has done was to agree to stand on a McCain (the traitorous bastard) ticket.

  3. KG says:

    Hmmm…how about a Bachmann/Palin ticket? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_rose.gif

    • thor42 says:


      I would *love* to see Allen West have a go.
      He is *onto it big time* when it comes to Islam.
      I’m sure he is switched-on on other issues as well.

      A pity that we can’t clone him and have the clone as the VP candidate.

  4. Veritas says:

    Ryan is to honesty as Obama is to capitalism.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    I’m not convinced of Bachman’s leadership qualities. Cruz, West, Palin, Lee and other TEA Party politicians (and Rand Paul) could form the core of the resurgence of a US that would steamroll the world economies and take shit off no one. Problem is they need to get into power before the corrupting influence of notoriety takes hold.

    I had some hope for Ryan but after the limpdick budget he proposed, I do not see him as strong enough to put the boot in to those who would destroy the Republic. The tragedy of this whole thing is the number of conservatives who will side with him in the hope the ‘other side’ will actually honor his lame excuse of a deficit cutting budget. That is not a budget it is a recipe for extravagance except in the one area that should be sacrosanct, military pensions.

    End of rant (I just wish I had Medusa’s wordsmith qualities to drive my point home).

  6. Ronbo says:

    My pick for president and v.p. (at the moment) would Ted Cruz (at the top of the ticket) and Sarah Palin – but, as we in the military said about a very fluid and hard fought battle that could go either way, there are too many things that could change at a moment’s notice – and we of the Tea Party Movement could have someone who is a nobody today as the “Great Liberty Hope” of 2016.

    These are revolutionary times and the world stands at the dawn of “The Great Reset” that will either see the triumph of a “New World Order” of tyranny made more hideous by perverted technology that could reduce human beings to little more than robots, or the birth of planet wide liberty that reduces government to small roles like paving the public roads – The individual will be everything with the State bound by the iron yoke of the Law.

  7. you all have about “said” it all-
    Bachman(?) she became a dual citizen-wonder why?

  8. Mathew says:

    If the so called Conservative party in the US is merrily screwing us over, what hope is there of turning the masses around who seem more than willing to give socialism a chance.

    There’s going to have to be a lot of change down the road if everyone is to get along in peace.

  9. Wombat says:

    Nothing short of a genuine crash will correct matters at this point. No mix of so called conservatives can grapple with the debt the US is in. It has long since become mathematically impossible to pay it off. The politics is irrelevant.

    Push forward with the debt, says I. I want my children (or at least my grandchildren) to have a chance at prosperity so the sooner the crash comes along the better.

    • Darin says:

      It is possible to drive out of this mess,but it would be political suicide to do so,which means it will never happen.

  10. mawm says:


    :mrgreen: There are soooooo…. many different versions of this movie clip. This is one of the best. :twisted: