And contains an item which the Australian media apparently thought contained too much icky reality to mention:
‘Australian sniper using a Barrett M82A1 50 cal – There has been a new record set for the longest kill shot in Afghanistan. GPS aids supposedly “measured the distance the bullet traveled at 2815 meters”, beating the previous record of 2475 meters for a confirmed kill. The shot was taken by a commando sniper team in Helmand province, Afghanistan. (1.75 miles)’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Love Woodpile-
It’s unique, isn’t it Carol?
I would not like to be the target of that sniper and his Barrett M82A1 50 cal
Yes, we mourn our loses and those of our gallant Allies in Afghanistan, but we frequently forget that for every dead or wounded Allied soldier there are scores of dead and wounded Islamic terrorists.
Happiest holidays to you and yours my friend!!! keep up the fight!
Angel! A very Happy Christmas to you too.
Well done that man, give him more ammo.
Nice shooting. Sounds to me like they had a GPS tracker stashed somewhere in the target area beforehand or the co-ordinates at least.
Damn that’s something, i think the last record was set by a Brit.
Sad times for them, we took the Ashes back and now this.