‘ON its 100th day in power the Abbott government shot itself in the foot.
Appointing avowed leftist Natasha Stott Despoja to a bogus job as Australia’s Global Ambassador for Women and Girls is a betrayal of conservatives on every level. It’s stupid, cowardly and ultimately self-defeating….’
Australians rejected the Labor government and elected the alternative with an emphatic majority. They didn’t do that in order to be served more of the same and this appointment is just one of several which look like cowardly appeasement of the left. Much more of this and Tony Abbott will deservedly be a one-term PM.
“let he that hath no stomach for this fight, depart..”
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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The game is maybe deeper and more cynical than we thought. Perhaps Australia–like America and Britain and New Zealand–really is ruled by an oligarchy and the labels of various parties are merely camouflage.
The Coalition’s job may be to clean up some of the mess Labor caused by instituting minimal austerity measures and in the process cop the ire of the electorate and act as a safety-valve for the leftist thugs to vent their spleen.
The village scapegoat, in other words, but business as usual under cover of a bright shiny “conservative” label.
I’m very sorry for you KG. But I am not surprised. The international assault on the Western Nations is summed up in SKUNC. Statists Knowingly Undermining National Charters. Those who you label as such can’t laugh it off as easily as they do RINO. They stink and they know it but do not care — yet.
If only Aussie was ruled by an “oligarchy” – meaning the productive people who actually own the country and pay for everything for everyone else! – rather than the lowest common denominator bludger who shouldn’t even get a vote.
Bludgers voted for Abbott because they saw Labor was putting their benefits at risk. If it looks like Abbott will ever start on any reform, they’ll all head back to Labor. And unlike Ruth Richardson, Abbott has all the marks of a career politician, rather than someone who would be happy to have just one budget and the retire — if that budget really reformed welfare!
Same old same old. pass a 2 year budget with everything left in it? No end in sight and very few to vote for.
“No end in sight and very few to vote for.”
Sums it up.
In America we call them “Progressives” (GOP RINOS – Republican In Name Only) and they control both political parties. The Tea Party Movement (TPM) is the effort by conservatives (patriots) to take over the Republican Party – So that the USA has a real two party system.
Yes, the Progressives are an oligarchy. Of course, there are differences in the Republican Progressives and the Democrat Progressives, but both wings of the Progs believe in a strong centralized European style state, which is in direct contradiction of the U.S. Constitution that models a central government that is strictly limited in power.
The same thing is happening in Australia that has happened in America and elsewhere – “Establishment Conservatives” (Read: Progressives) talk the talk during the election campaign about limiting the scope of the central government, but when they get elected, it’s off to the same old power sharing arrangement with the Left.
Also, whatever happens in the election, the grey little bureaucrat mice stay in their offices with good pay and perks, and continue to make We The People crazy trying to keep up with their silly ass rules and regulations.
You see to ordinary people like us, the Country Class, politics are about best ideas to govern a nation – to the Ruling Class politics is about money and power. So when the old crew is voted out, they don’t really go away, they just put the chairs together is a different seating arrangement, and the “losing side” really doesn’t lose a damn thing.
A slightly different take may be that the Abbott government is shy of political capital to work on its agenda and the appointment was intended to purchase some with the opposition. If so, expect more of these concessions in the near future. You should also expect a renewed vigor in the opposition as they will likely see it as blood in the water. Either way, it is not a good sign.
The thing that has always disgusted me about Stott-Despoja is that she went into politics without ever having had a real job. Her only employment history before that was in “student politics,” but there she was, with the gall to want to influence the lives and futures of other people. Then a few years later when she was a mother, she wrote about juggling work and motherhood, and how difficult it is, when she was earning big dollars as a senator, as though she could relate to real working mothers out there. It has never done an honest day’s work in it’s life, and is nothing but a parasite.
The Labor Party is full of them. Vermin, drunk on power.
I felt the same way when i heard the news, off course i couldn’t recall this idiot in the same terms as Miranda Devine but i’ve heard her waffling on in the past so i know she’s a leftist idiot. This might come as shocking news to Abbott and co but that’s why she failed as a politician and her party was booted out.
This one and that other idiot who was once premier of NSW are in the same boat, fawned over by many Conservatives but in reality completely over-rated.
Abbott is going to learn yet again like every other stupid Conservative in the past, if you try to coddle the left, make friends with them, appease them and reach out to them, all you will get is your fingers bitten off.
That’s what they’re like, they won’t stop hating you, so get the fuck over it and move on because ultimately, the Australia you claim to love will lose out if you don’t.