This is not justice. Who is this “Judge” Roberts?
UPDATE: Perhaps it’s Judge Allan Roberts? If so, he has form for this kind of thing.
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I wonder how much the woman’s son would get for beating the daylights out of the little little shitstain when he is released.
These judicial scum bear a big part of the blame for our inwardly collapsing social state.
The way to rapidly halve the prison population? Bring back imprisonment with hard labour. It’d be especially effective in NZ.
Flogging seems appropriate. I heard an old crim on talkback ten or so years ago. He tried to escape from Pentridge, received a flogging, then (by his own admission :?:) behaved himself forever after…
I can dream. N.Z gets progessively worse as the days tick by. Would ‘Direct Democracy’ work for realistic sentencing, or is the number of dirtbags & clueless wimins too high?
Better stop before I unload anecdotes…
A flogging might work for the clown of a judge, Dond.
15 months for those other crimes would be light, attacking a sleeping homeless woman is the most cowardly thing I’ve heard for a while- that in itself has to be worth a couple of years.
I don’t know what to make of the U.S justice system; since Holder it all sounds bad news. However, I’d read that three strikes, SQF and other initiatives were actually keeping maggots off the street.
[I say that as I saw a “Toughest Prisons” genre show years back where the black attacked the nurse- on camera even- and had four years added. In N.Z if he’d raped and almost killed a nurse 4-6. I despise judges too]
But then the number of serious assaults murders etc committed there (against the public) by maggots still officially ‘behind bars’ would be a huge CR post in/of itself.
As far as fixing that little swine goes, a flogging would be just warming up for me.
A bullet would probably be a better long term plan…
Seriously, I would bet anything you like that this little oxygen waster will never contribute anything meaningful to society. Nothing.
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