15 months

This is not justice. Who is this “Judge” Roberts?
UPDATE: Perhaps it’s Judge Allan Roberts?  If so, he has form for this kind of thing.

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8 Responses to 15 months

  1. Phil Stephenson says:

    I wonder how much the woman’s son would get for beating the daylights out of the little little shitstain when he is released.

  2. Redbaiter says:

    These judicial scum bear a big part of the blame for our inwardly collapsing social state.

    • KG says:

      The way to rapidly halve the prison population? Bring back imprisonment with hard labour. It’d be especially effective in NZ.

  3. dondiego says:

    Flogging seems appropriate. I heard an old crim on talkback ten or so years ago. He tried to escape from Pentridge, received a flogging, then (by his own admission :???: :?:) behaved himself forever after…

    I can dream. N.Z gets progessively worse as the days tick by. Would ‘Direct Democracy’ work for realistic sentencing, or is the number of dirtbags & clueless wimins too high?

    Better stop before I unload anecdotes… :oops:

  4. KG says:

    A flogging might work for the clown of a judge, Dond. :twisted:

    • dondiego says:

      15 months for those other crimes would be light, attacking a sleeping homeless woman is the most cowardly thing I’ve heard for a while- that in itself has to be worth a couple of years.
      I don’t know what to make of the U.S justice system; since Holder it all sounds bad news. However, I’d read that three strikes, SQF and other initiatives were actually keeping maggots off the street.
      [I say that as I saw a “Toughest Prisons” genre show years back where the black attacked the nurse- on camera even- and had four years added. In N.Z if he’d raped and almost killed a nurse 4-6. I despise judges too]

      But then the number of serious assaults murders etc committed there (against the public) by maggots still officially ‘behind bars’ would be a huge CR post in/of itself.

  5. I dunno says:

    As far as fixing that little swine goes, a flogging would be just warming up for me.

    A bullet would probably be a better long term plan…

    Seriously, I would bet anything you like that this little oxygen waster will never contribute anything meaningful to society. Nothing.