There’s a lot of cat hatred in NZ (ably assisted by media morons, recycling the rubbish spouted by eco-tards). So it was amusing to see this item:
‘The misguided logic of a Raglan cat killer is having disastrous and unintended consequences for a community’s local birdlife, an ecologist says.
….Landcare Research wildlife ecologist John Innes said it was possible the removal of cats in an urban area could have a net bad outcome for wildlife.
”Ship rats are the tree climbing rat that decimates most native birds in New Zealand and they’re a major item of cat diet.”…’
UPDATE: The consequences of trying to “manage” nature…or, the cure can be worse than the complaint.
‘The Destruction of Macquarie Island’
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The neighbours cat has decimated the birdlife in my garden.
She tries to justify it by saying the cat caught a rat as well. Funny that before she got a cat the birds were able to breed and feed in my garden ……. even with the rats.
Time to get a dog again! They catch rats and cats.
I’m on the side of the cats. We had two cats in NZ and not once did I see them kill a bird or any evidence that they had.
(oh, and if the birdlife in your garden has been decimated by the cat, then that’s only one in ten birds, Mawm.
Remember cats have servants, dogs have owners.
The survivors will be those which adapt to the predator. Which is nature in action. And the fact that the predator was introduced by man doesn’t make it any less “nature in action”, since man is also part of nature.
I have often wondered we’re forbidden to keep Bengal tigers as pets on the understanding that the owner is responsible for any harm done by the cat. I warrant I’d never be burgled again or pounced on by Greenies with moronic petitions if I had one roaming my house and yard.
On the second thoughts the tiger would spit the Greenies back.
past tense: decimated; past participle: decimated
kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.
‘Usage Note: Decimate originally referred to the killing of every tenth person, a punishment used in the Roman army for mutinous legions. Today this meaning is commonly extended to include the killing of any large proportion of a group.’
A firefighter was working on the engine outside the fire station, when he noticed a little girl nearby in a little red wagon with little ladders hung off the sides and a garden hose tightly coiled in the middle. The girl was wearing a firefighters helmet. The wagon was being pulled by her dog and her cat.
The firefighter walked over to take a closer look. ‘That sure is a nice fire truck,’ the firefighter said with admiration.
‘Thanks,’ the girl replied. The firefighter looked a little closer. The girl had tied the wagon to her dog’s collar and to the cat’s testicles.
Little partner,’ the firefighter said, ‘I don’t want to tell you how to run your rig, but if you were to tie that rope around the cat’s collar, I think you could go faster.’
The little girl replied thoughtfully, ‘You’re probably right, but then I wouldn’t have a siren.’
Hat tip to Orbitup.
If it really is the Cats killing birds,which it was here when DDT was blamed,then shouldn’t we reintroduce DDT?
And save thousands of lives.
Oh #@$%$#% no we can’t have that, save lives! Good grief someone jail this fellow this instant before any other peasants get the same idea.
Out West here, there are periodic outbreaks of rat and mice plagues (and snakes, after the wet season). The feral cat populations increase in sync with the plagues and do a lot to help control them.
Plague over, cat numbers drop. So a kind of balance is achieved. And the very old locals maintain that native bird numbers appear to be about the same as they’ve always been.
Completely O/T, is this paranoia?
I wouldn’t put anything past the WH Gang, but some more direct evidence would be handy.
My cat kills birds.
There are some birds that I really wish she’d kill a whole lot more effectively, especially the blackbirds that cheep at her at 5:20am outside my bedroom window. With the number of birds my garden feeds, any birds she catches is just culling. Too many birds, too much bird poop on the washing, too many strawberries eaten by those that haven’t grown them. We maintain a balance here, kind of. Though the darn blackbirds are out of balance.
Lucia Maria, I just added an update to the post which you might find interesting. And the final paragraph:
“And why does introduced always mean bad? There seems to be a puritanical impulse among environmental types to restore the world, or parts of it, to some imagined, stable, pre-industrial glory where every prospect pleases and only Man is vile. There is a life-hating, totalitarian streak about this head-set, a failure to accept the world as it is, warts and all. The ruthless extermination of Macquarie Island’s wekas, cats and rabbits in the name of Science sounds a lot like a Final Solution.” is a fitting conclusion to the story.
A very Happy Christmas to the Tiger clan, by the way.
I like that – “puritanical impulse” – that’s good!
Happy Christmas to you and Gecko as well!
No cats were hurt in this video
This reminds me of an article i recently read about eagles being killed in large numbers by wind farms. So the greenies are killing off the wild life with their useless wind farms, you’d think that they’d scrap some of these stupid things at hearing of the eagles plight.
Instead the greenies have put a licensing system forward, so now the power companies are exempt from prosecution over the eagles dying. End result, eagles keep dying, but it’s perfectly legal to kill them. Good intentions, eggs to make omelets and all that.
A good Dog(Black Lab of course)
I don’t pretend to be impartial in the cat vs bird argument, since I like cats very much.
And there was once a wagtail which irritated the hell out of me with its insistence on hanging around our car and crapping all over it. So I shot it. With a .308.
Around here that’s what’s known as a Feather Duster-POOF!
Now I wonder what the late Pompuss would have said about this. Leave those poor pussies alone. They help keep the rat, bird and other pest population down. They keep us company, purr to calm us and remind us every day that they are gods.
To remind you all:
The Pussy Cat Song
Dear God,they used brodifacoum by the ton?(Warfrin)
It will kill everything,animals,birds,fish,marine mammals and it’s persistant in the ground for decades.
They would have done less damage if they had Nuked the place,idiots
Zealots. What else is there to be said?
It’s a shocking story and one that ought to be more widely known.
The danger with the coumarin-type of poisons is that the poisoned pests have internal haemorrhaging and thus gradually become clinically shocked. This creates a thirst which drives them out of their hiding places to seek water and makes them vulnerable to being killed and eaten by other predators such as dogs and cats, who in turn ingest the poison and die.
Aren’t cats suppose to kill birds?
It’s in their job description, yes.
So why all this fuss over a natural thing?
“natural” is what we humans decide it is these days.
Well, some humans anyway. I’m thinking of sending the dingoes here a stiff letter of protest–since they were introduced, they’d better leave pronto or stop eating the other (previously introduced) wildlife.
How far back do we take this stuff?
One hopes he didn’t puncture the radiator…..
Thanks for the Macquarie Is link
NZ DoC eradicated the Enderby Island cattle which was the only place on Earth with that breed still living…
You comment about the ‘final solution’ reminds me of a story (unconfirmed, but then who in the know would actually confirm it if it was factual) about parakeets on the Chatham Islands. The Forbes Parakeet (yellow crested) there is endangered and was believed to be hybridising with the Chatham Is red crested parakeet. DoC believing that the Forbes parakeet would eventually hybridise itself into extinction eradicated all orange crested “hybrids” to later learn from DNA analysis that what they had eradicated was in fact a distinct species.
Sounds like the DoC we know and
loveloathe,Tamati.I was once fishing off Whangaroa harbour and found a dolphin in a very distressed state, trapped in a car tyre. I rang DOC, -who were nearby -for some help to cut it free. The female on the other end of the call asked if I could “just pull it free” as they were “very busy”.
Asshole. I eventually roped the tyre and cut it free, but an adult dolphin is a real handful for someone on their own. In my experience they use the reserves and islands of the Far North as their private playgrounds and they have to be the most clueless bunch of wankers I’ve ever come across.
Armed with their fresh-minted little certificates in “Environmental Studies”, they know it all.
Except they know stuff-all and understand less.
The late George Carlin on cats…
” Cats have another quality I find admirable: blamelessness. When a cat makes a mistake, he doesn’t accept responsibility or show embarrassment. If he does something really stupid, like jumping onto a table and landing in four separate coffee cups, somehow he passes the whole thing off as a routine. Dogs aren’t like that. If a dog knocks over a lamp, you can tell who did it by looking at the dog; he acts guilty and ashamed. Not the cat. When a cat breaks something, he simply moves along to the next activity.”
“What’s that? The lamp? Not me! F— that, I’m a cat! Something broken? Ask the dog.”
And from
“It has always seemed cruel to me that Nature has designed cats without the ability to shrug their shoulders, because no animal on Earth could get more use out of such a gesture. Should cats ever learn to vocalize human languages, my suspicion is that “So what?” will be their first phrase. “
I love it, MvL! Thanks for that.