at the heart of the EUSSR:
‘GERMAN Chancellor Angela Merkel says European Union members must be open to treaty changes to strengthen joint economic governance in the 28-nation bloc.
…French President Francois Hollande has rejected changing EU treaties, pushing for more pro-growth policies and less austerity within the existing European charters.
Other EU members are also sceptical about renegotiating treaties, which may require referendums, amid rising euroscepticism in many countries…’
Oh dear no, there mustn’t be referenda–the peasants may reject the glorious Utopian future that’s been mapped out for them by their superiors.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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Airbrushing history. (via Drudge)
‘U.S. Army war college seeks to remove Gen. Robert E. Lee, ‘Stonewall’ Jackson…
FLA school to remove Confederate general’s name…’
I saw that as well. Lee was offered the leadership of all Union forces when it was evident that war was inevitable. Lee refused because Virginia was likely to secede and Lee had no wish to lead the fight against his home. Lee and Jackson fought not for slavery, but for freedom. The Federal government had grown tyrannical in the antebellum period leading up to the Civil War, and levied a confiscatory tax upon the South. The strain of that tax and the recent election leading to the Republican domination of the Federal government led to the States fleeing the Union.
Lee and Jackson never supported the slavery of men and they did not harbor the racist views of the North. Lee would never have owned slaves, but for the slaves brought to him by marriage. Jackson also would never have owned a slave, but for the slave he purchased to get him away from an abusive master. These men were men of honor and character and they fought for their home and for the liberties that their grandfathers had fought for during the Revolution.
Together, these Generals formed a military team that taught Europe the lessons of a modern war and the Union how to fight. The Union thought that they would run roughshod over the South, and why wouldn’t they? They had every advantage. They had weapons, they had a steady stream of recruits, they had a steady stream of resupply, they had the economy and manufacturing to support a war. The South had none of these things, but they did have a battle hardened senior leadership and the will to defend one’s home from invasion, and that counted for a hell of a lot.
Lee and Jackson would destroy armies in the defense of their home and they would drive Lincoln to desperation as he tore his hair out trying to find a foil for the pair. As the war progressed, it became evident that the Union would be in for a fight. But by the Battle of the Wilderness, the tide would turn because that is where Lee lost Jackson to friendly fire. That one incident sealed the fate of the South.
Lee had been the strategist and Jackson the tactician. Each acting in concert to achieve the impossible. When that team was broken, the pressure on the Union was relieved. Many difficult fights would remain and the heroism of those who fought for them would finally bring the South to heel.
Today, the Union would like to forget how close they came to losing that unity. They would like to forget the brazen audacity of the Southern man who once dared to try to escape the tyranny of the North. And they seek to forget that the slaves that they sought to free out of the goodness of their hearts, stood by their masters and followed them to the field of battle and stood with them in military prisons. It would seem that the Union never did absorb the lessons of the Civil War, and the images of those who taught those lessons are now hateful to behold.
If I am an anomaly, it is because I am not ashamed of my Southern heritage. I am not ashamed that my family followed their hearts and stood by the side that they thought was just. In my family, brother did kill brother. Good men died on both sides of the war and tears were shed for the souls lost, both North and South. But men had character back then. Today, they do not. There is no honor in forgetting a worthy enemy, and reserving only hatred where it is not due. That is a lesson of war as well. But apparently the American military isn’t in the business of winning wars and rendering respect to such men any more.
A great comment, William. Says it all for me as well. Thanks.
Awesome -William- thank you!!
Winning wars is bad for business . Like the Romans the US industrial military complex has to fight wars to stay in business . That is what Eisenhower warned us about . The never ending war.
I read that- and my heart rate went sky high–
Today- knowing what I now know–I would have sided w/ the Southern States- against the Un-Constitutional actions of Lincoln and et al–
Me too, Carol.
Indeed, they always get very, very nervous at hints of asking the peasants for their opinion. Off course they promise they’re closely connected to wants of the peasants. As obama would say no doubt, let me be clear, no one knows and supports the peasants more than me.
So many veterans, just one bullet.
You are so right on – on that–our BEST were betrayed by both parties–R and D–
Personally, Gen’l Nathan Bedford Forrest is my gen’l. He and his wife are buried in Memphis about a block from Sun Records Studio. I’ve been to Carlisle Barracks in Carlisle, Pinsylvania several times mostly attending a great classic car show at the fairgrounds.
Yes, Contempt, Forrest was a natural and it’s a pity the Confederacy did not use his talents to greater effect. The same goes for Gen’l Patrick Cleburne.
!!!OMG!!!Cointempt U been to Carlisle Barracks??Yours Very Truly has trekked over there numbers of times for BlackBerry searching for an hereditorial linkular to R. E. Lee, Stonewal
l, or any notable Southern Man James Chesnut or anudder failed presidentular Jeff Davis so to speak so BlackBerry might add such trophy in addiction also to placing they portraits next to hizhonerz smilin’ portrait well Grant was a bad drunk and shitty prexident undt McClelland twern’t much to brag about well for YvTrulililily that were a long time ago although BlackBerry may best be compared to Wm T. Sherman whose ‘merican soldiers raped and pillaged, burned and hung a bunch of Southerners but today if a soldier don’t follow the rules o engagement they get courtsmartialed by they own side cause they can’t return fire which might kill some fuckass civilian well yvt could go on and on since BlackBerry and the nesters R out of country on yo dime agin. Holyshitosky it Valerie gotta run ooooiiiieeepleaseNOOOO
Yeah, I get it, Harvard. Will you obtain BlackBerry’s life history records from NSA? Some of us may be willing to rescue you from the Underground Kompound. Maybe.
We could send the pink C130, Contempt. Those guys are sitting around doing nothing in Vegas right now.
No, Angela, the arm is held at more of a 45 degree angle.
This is a joke about the EU. Just as a reminder, all EU (former) countries were supposed to hold a referendum on the EU Constitution. When a number of those countries held such votes and they went against the EU, the EU simply renamed the new Constitution the “Lisbon Treaty.” Since under EU law, a treaty required no referendum, problem solved. There is no reason whatsoever the EU couldn’t or wouldn’t do the same thing in the future. Moreover, don’t forget that Gordon Brown (and the boy wonder now sitting in the PM chair both) promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, then refused to hold one. Unless and until people start breaking out the pitchforks, ropes, tar and feathers, the EU – and indeed, the US government – will do whatever they damn well please. We really do need to start adding a bit of violence back into the mix because these bastards see no down side to acting outside the law.
“We really do need to start adding a bit of violence back into the mix because these bastards see no down side to acting outside the law.”
“There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for me to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What’s there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed or enforced nor objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt.”
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged
“Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer”
And this:
Farage again.
Love it!
S and P downgrades EU from ‘AAA’ to ‘AA+’
(not that I trust S and P but …)