‘THE Abbott government is set to scrap a politically correct curriculum that forces maths students to study Aboriginal culture and lets kids give “reasonable” rather than accurate answers.
…In every subject – from science to physical education – children must study Aboriginal culture, environmental sustainability and Australia’s engagement with Asia, under the national curriculum forged by the former Labor government.
Kindergarten kids learning to count to 20 should also “read stories from other cultures featuring counting in sequence to assist students to recognise ways of counting in local languages and across cultures”, the maths curriculum states.
Year 6 kids studying geometry can “investigate the use of rotation and symmetry in the diagrammatic representations of kinship relationships of Central and Western Desert people.”
And Year 4 kids learning about fractions will “investigate the use of fractions and sharing as a way of managing Country: for example taking no more than half the eggs from a nest to protect future bird populations.”
Year 10 statistics involves “investigating biodiversity changes in Australia since European occupation.”
And in year 5 algebra, kids “use calculators to check the reasonableness of answers” – rather than checking if an answer is right or wrong….’
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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KG, they may change the curriculum, they may change the technical definition of what ‘educational success’ looks like, but unless they’re going to perform a root-and-branch removal of the dead wood (which means almost the entire teaching staff of every single “educational institution” from kindergarten to university, as well as completely re-making the education and qualification paths for educators, plus gutting and demolishing the Department of Education) it will make precisely not one jot of difference.
And (see your next post) I don’t think Tony Abbott has the stomach for that fight.
I hope this is just the start, there is a lot of crap for him to clean up but i sometimes wonder if any one man can do it all himself. Particularly when he is playing by far tighter rules than his opponents.