‘Tony Abbott keeping his enemies far too close for comfort
Far from presenting as the arch-conservative he was made out to be by Labor and its media arms, the ABC and Fairfax, before the September election, Prime Minister Tony Abbott is beginning to appear weak and vacillating
The first rule of conservatism is simple. Stick to your guns…’
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Abbott, for all the hatred heaped on him by the media, is starting to show himself to be not the arch-Conservative they all feared (and we hoped), but another Key; happy to tinker at the edges, shying away from any transformational, structural reform which might actually do some good. Giving jobs to leftists in the hope they might stop hating him (here’s a hint, Tony, they hate you and they will always hate you).
Happy to warm the seats until it’s time to swap sides again.
Hugely disappointed thus far.
The first thing the New P.M. should have done is a PURGE of Leftists from all positions of authority…and includes the bureaucracy.
But apparently he’s been put in fear by the Lamestream Media….Look, Tony old boy – the Lamestream Media hate you and nothing will change that, so man up and kick Leftist butt and give the little girly men something REAL to whine about…and a good place to start would be cutting off ABC from the federal tit
His refusal to do anything about the ABC (taxpayer-funded Labor and Greens propaganda unit) speaks volumes to me. It would be the simplest thing in the world to break it up and sell it off – it has television, radio, print and internet media and pretty-much blanket coverage right across Australia – because in the right hands it could be hugely profitable. The problem is, because it’s a sheltered workshop for leftists, because they don’t have to worry about producing a product which people actually want to buy, they can apply circular reasoning and have absolutely no reason to change.
As a minimum, if he wants to retain it, he could simply fire the Chief Executive for his abject failure to comply with the ABC charter. That could start a re-balancing of views which would at least inject some small amount of moderation into their product.
But no, not only is he too afraid to take them on, he’s made the most progressive leftist in his entire cabinet responsible for them.
I live in the hope that Abbott is far cleverer than any of us give him credit for. Perhaps he’s just taking these shots to make himself look like a victim, let us feel sorry for him and show the left as mean bastards and deserving of the lashing he is on the tip of unleashing upon them.
I hope.
Yeah, and plenty thought the same of John Key during his first term, too. Only to be surprised that he wasn’t adopting the “slowly slowly, catchy monkey” approach: he really is a big-government statist leftist piece of progressive pond-scum.
That’s a very good description of that traitor-to-NZ john key
Yeah, I thought so thanks, Barry. I struggle to put into words the contempt and loathing I have for the slug, but I think I captured it quite well this time.
That strategy would work with the informed part of the public, Mathew. The problem is that they comprise a comparatively small number of voters. The rest are off watching “reality” television.