‘Now it can be told. Now that smoking has been banned everywhere but the dryer vent at your apartment based on the notion that secondhand smoke kills everyone around you, The Journal of the National Cancer Institute can tell us this via Jacob Sullum:…’
(thanks to Michael in Nelson for that)
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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I’ll bet a pack of cigarettes, someone please assure me they’re not more than $30 now, the bans will remain and these sorts of studies will simply be dismissed as being funded by big, evil corporations and these researchers are just their paid lackeys.
Yep. Spot-on. Because the bans are about control, not health.
FFS! What planet is this slimy piece of shit on?
‘Rigby killing must unite nation, says British PM’
In a sane and just world, the beheading of a Brit on the streets of London would spark an uprising which would see every last fucking muslim in that sad country killed. And it would include those who allowed them into the country in the first place.
I mentioned this to a lefty of my acquaintance, his reaction was, “So what? It still stinks and I don’t want to smell it.” Which, coincidentally enough, is his same reaction to guns. He doesn’t like them so they should be banned.
They really are contemptible little shits, aren’t they? I’d like to be standing there, holding a gun when people like that have a knife to their throat.
“sorry, can’t use the gun to save you, since you disapprove so strongly of them”
And I’d carry on past, laughing my ass off.
It may not be so far-fetched, if our countries keep importing muslims……..
A sad update on this post http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/?p=20364 My old mate (since he started work; + 20yrs on me) has a son working in Wagga.
Apparently the black imports are big on jumping/rolling the local lads when they’re walking home from the pub after a few bevvies.
The meat-works there is actively hiring/training blacks in knife use. This is a VERY bad idea. It wasn’t Wagga Wagga but another town where another of his sons was working with an africoon former child-soldier.
The meat-works where I’m now learning knives has many many mohemmedans as knifehands.
These homicidal immigration policies CANNOT end well for Australians.
“…would see every last fucking muslim in that sad country killed. And it would include those who allowed them into the country in the first place.”
I sincerely hope someone has a record of just who enabled this for when the time comes-
“I sincerely hope someone has a record of just who enabled this for when the time comes-”
Any politician, lawyer and “human rights” activist. As well as pro-immigration big business, Marxist teachers….it’s a long list.