Open house

You Shall Not Pass, Dog

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67 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Did BEER create civilization? Ancient man developed agriculture to brew alcohol, NOT to bake bread, claims scientist’
    sounds perfectly logical to Wabbit. Priorities…..

    ‘Sweden’s March Into Oblivion’

  2. GW says:

    Hmmmmm, my hounds don’t seem to have that problem around . . . well, the word they use for those small furry things is “chewtoys.” This is simply more cat propaganda use the canine equivalent of “Pajama Boy.”

    By the way, best prank (by best friends) ever =

  3. KG says:

    Some people need to get a fucking life. :evil:
    ‘A Chanhassen mother who has been baking cookies for the kids on her children’s bus for 15 years has been shut down by an anonymous complaint.’

    • A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people’s business…The vanity of the selfless, even those who practice the utmost humility, is boundless.

      (Eric Hoffer)

      • KG says:

        Ain’t that the truth!
        I really must get to read some of Hoffer’s work, Francis. It’s one of those “must do’s” that I somehow never have.

  4. MvL says:

    I seem to remember a boat purchase was flirted with by our host some time ago.
    While wind power was probably not what he had in mind, and the listed price seems just a bit TOO good, this has to be the…
    Best boat ad ever.
    I do like…..” the ability to t-bone a stand up paddle boarder”
    And to discourage realtors, “Please no inquiries if your picture is on your business card”
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • MvL says:

      In ancient times cats were worshipped as Gods.
      They have not forgotten this.

    • mawm says:

      Nah! Those dogs have been schooled by progressive hence the mental castration, and those cats raised by feminists as they’ll attack without reason or rationality.

      That boxer on the stairs looked just like my dog that died 3 years ago.

  5. Oswald Bastable says:

    I hear stories about a new kind of toilet paper being sold.

    There’s a drawing of the prophet Mohammed on it and you get to colour him in!

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    How does this sound:

  7. KG says:

    ‘While Obama conspires to lock people up for things like collecting rainwater and sends in his stormtroopers to raid guitar factories that use wood not finished by Indian workers, he’s freeing crack dealers from prison.

    Solid citizens and future Obama voters pardoned by him include… Ezell Gilbert…

    Gilbert, now 41, who has a criminal record that goes back to his late teen years, was observed by Tampa police on a stakeout, dealing drugs in a high-crime neighborhood in Tampa in October 1995.   He was arrested after two customers apparently bought crack from him in the front seat of the car Gilbert was driving, while his five-year-old daughter, Keidra was in the back seat..’

    “gangster government” doesn’t begin to describe this Administration.

  8. mawm says:

    The 21st is done and dusted. Just Christmas left to navigate. I think I’ll have to join GG in looking for ‘smartness’ at the bottom of a bottle of Scotland’s finest.

  9. KG says:

    My favourite dog, doing what they do best:

  10. oswald bastable says:

    Whiskey time!

  11. KG says:

    :roll: that’s any time between 12 and 12, isn’t it Os? (we had beer and cereal for breakfast this morning–Gecko is a baaaad influence)

  12. KG says:

    Looking at pulling my iMac apart here….this should be fun.

    • john says:

      Get Oswald to look at it KG. He’s a REME man. :mrgreen:

      Nil Sine Labore

      • KG says:

        Aye, John. But all I want to do is clean the fans, and you know what those blokes are like–it’d be returned completely re-designed, rebuilt from parts obtained by threats, bribery, underhand deals and other methods we won’t name here, and worth ten times what it was when brand new. :lol:

  13. Darin says:

    A little weekend project I just finished up today-

    • KG says:

      Damn nice job, Darin.
      Unfortunately, ratbastard Google wants me to jump through more hoops before I can leave a comment and I won’t do that.

      • Darin says:

        Thanks,no problem with the tube,I would use Dailymotion or Liveleak,but the filters make them useless and without filters a rebuild video ends up on the same links page as the gay midget porn :shock:

        • KG says:

          A woodworking vise and GMP… have some ideological objection to that or sumfink? You a homodwarfphobe?

  14. Darin says:

    Homodwarfphobe?Why I would never,I myself suffer from Luposlipohypolanaphobia,it’s a fear of being chased by a pack of timber wolves around a kitchen table on a freshly waxed floor while wearing Wool socks, and would never be one to judge anyone :roll:

  15. Darin says:

    Picture pretty much nails it

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Damn it KG I was going to post that wITH the header “I think hell is about to freeze over”

      It’s stories like this that show just how little people trust the MSM anymore. My first thought was that this would not be reported or given minimal attention when it should be shouted from the rooftops.

      • KG says:

        :oops: Sorry, Michael.
        And you’re absolutely right about the MSM. Anything Sharpton does or says is usually reported by the bastards, but not this….

        • Darin says:

          It’s a real shame how many Black people I know agree with the conservative message on almost every point,but have been programmed to vote democrat to their own demise. :sad:

    • Darin says:

      I saw that limp wristed fairy boy ad the other day and I think the Teaparty should post one of their own featuring the picture of a Logger and this caption-

      “it’s time to start drinking Whiskey
      Move out of your mom’s basement,
      put on some boots,get a real job
      and quit being a ten year old boy.
      Life’s hard,wear a f–king helmet”

  16. mawm says:

    Watch the trajectory of a white dot. :shock: