
‘ADVANCES in genetic sequencing are giving rise to a new era of scientific racism, experts have said.
New forms of discrimination, known as “neoracism”, are taking hold in scientific research, spreading the belief that races exist and are different in terms of biology, behaviour and culture, according to anthropologists who spoke at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science conference in Chicago…’  (bold mine)     source

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13 Responses to Huh?

  1. KG says:

    02:30 and gotta go. Perhaps we’ll stop somewhere tonight and I’ll continue this.

  2. Findalis says:

    It will be ignored when it is discovered that Muslims are genetically inferior to everyone else.

  3. Mathew says:

    Oh my goodness, shock horror, all cultures are not equal, who would have thought!

    I wonder if anyone will label the usual suspects crying foul when they hear of this as anti-science. They sure deserve it.

  4. andy5759 says:

    F*ck me, the truth comes as a shock doesn’t it. All this research they have done, just for it to be buried. Ha ha ha.

  5. I do hope that at some point, Arthur Jensen gets the apology he deserves.

    • KG says:

      We’re not holding are breath, are we, Francis? I don’t recall those on the left ever admitting their mistakes, much less apologising for them.

  6. Wombat says:

    Picture me pounding the desk with one fist while gut-laughing until my sides hurt.
    Which mob are the deniers now? :lol:

    • KG says:

      Beautiful, isn’t it? Somewhat on a par with suicide bombing instructors blowing themselves and their students up. :mrgreen:

  7. Wombat says:

    Bloody amazing! The progressive journalist that wrote the article has clearly shit his pants with indignity. Of the four pictures we have “angry Hitler”, “black protesters being hit with firehoses”, “scientist” and “angry racist white woman”.

    Notice how the evil, racist pictures are in black and white despite the fact that many suitable colour photos would be available, silenty massaging our brains toward the idea that racism is the past and that science is the future… err…. except when its findings run counter to the narrative. :lol:

  8. There is a darker current to this story. Such differences are often used as the ignition source for political fires that consume human souls. And yet, it is the left that consistently embraces these ideals. It was the left, or progressives if you prefer, who fathered eugenics. It was the left who invented social Darwinism, it was the left that built the gulags. It was the left that butchered millions in the Ukraine, in China, and in Cambodia. It was the left that created the extermination camps. When the left began, it slaughtered thousands with the Guillotine to the delight of Robespierre, and this river of blood has been flowing strongly ever since.

    From the “settled science” of eugenics (where have we heard that term since?) to the closet racism embedded in the left’s DNA, those who subscribe to leftist ideology have been the perpetrators of man’s most horrific crimes against his fellow man in the past 100 years. Have they ever accepted responsibility for that? Of course not, because to accept responsibility is to own it and that would mean that they are less than perfect.

    The notation of differences is harmless, it is only when moral values are assigned to them that the trouble begins. From the human weeds in humanity’s garden to useless eaters, the left has ever judged these differences and assigned moral values to those that they approved. This postmodern thought is what gave rise to communism and the advocacy of multiculturalism, while condemning God as being too confining for the modern sensibility and sexuality. It is why they embrace existentialism and seek to deny hope for man in the next life.

    The Soviets loved science, as do the Red Chinese, and North Koreans. The principles of science can be perverted to support their insane ideology or used to make them far more efficient killers. With the wholesale slaughter that the left so loves, an efficient and effective means of murder is always welcome. But first, one must dehumanize your enemy. Hence the ever present need for eugenics, social Darwinism, and racism. From the enablers who allow this to continue, to the perpetrators of injustice, they are guilty one and all of genocide, over and over again.

    This is merely the next chapter. Turn the page and it shall begin anew until we at last destroy the seed that flowers in a bloody tide. The Jews say that it always begins the same way, and I believe them. Using history as my metric, it does indeed begin the same way every damned time. The government turns on the enemy, society is conditioned to suspect and to distrust their fellows because they are of a different race, religion, or political ideology, and then the killing begins.

    Winston Churchill once wondered if the world would end upon the gleaming wings of science after the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This is because science is a piss poor tool for making judgment calls about human life and social issues. That is a matter for the heart, not the head. This is why man has a spiritual side and why character matters.

    It is a lesson that we had best learn as a species lest we are ended by the lovers of science who have forgotten what it is to be a man.

    • Ronbo says:

      I agree…Sooner rather than later the world is going to go absolutely bat-shit crazy with a Super Depression, WW III and civil wars raging within many First World countries.

      Nice work Leftists, but remember the Red Revolution always eats its own children. :evil:

  9. dondiego says:

    Science, like math, is racist.

  10. KG says:

    Great comments, thanks everybody. (and I hope you don’t mind me taking a liberty with your comment, William.)
    Just another 500km or so to go, but we need some sleep so it can wait until tomorrow.