This article left me throughly depressed about the sorry state of my once great nation.Just more proof that progressive liberalism is a mental disorder.When a group pushes for and forces on their own nation policies that will lead to it’s destruction all so they can rule theĀ over ruins,what more proof does one need?
The Native Indians and Alaskans make a tad more sense than the rest. I doubt many of them are interested in tuxedos and bridal gowns.
Frightening statistics, broadly speaking, but I can imagine that many people don’t give a shit about whether the government has sanctioned their union and have no interest in a certificate by a state sponsored priest cashing in on the regulation of an age old act that needs no blessing by anyone but God.
Are mum, dad and the kids living under the same roof. That’s the actual question of relevance.
Increasingly it’s mum and the kids living under one roof,with various males (sperm donors) coming and going depending on court dates and bail hearings.Mum and the kids get ADC ,EBT and public housing.”Dad(s)”mooch off any number of other “single parents” they may or may not have swapped liquids with.
Meanwhile those of us who would like a wife and family,but have some morals and responsibility have to supply the first lot with room,board and spending money and therefore can’t afford to start a family of our own.This according to Uncle
Therein lies the problem. Welfare.
Unfortunately it’s never going to go away. Welfare recipients in all western nations have reached a critical voting mass that now ensure that no seriously anti-welfare political entity will ever gain office.
All that’s left is to wait for the crash. The USSR had a stronger, more coherent population than ours which is why their society endured its misery for so long before the reds tossed in the towel.
I predict that our own downfall will be significantly quicker and more violent.
Food, ammo, productive land and isolation. If you ain’t got it then your window of opportunity is closing.
You have to work up to the wife and family. No man is ever going to put the effort in until the little sprogs come along. It’s just nature at play – you do what you have to do and if you don’t have to do it, you won’t.
But too often men put in the effort only to have the fruits of their labour and loins looted by the State and unscrupulous partners.–so why should they bother?
We are witnessing the destruction of Western civilization. I have often wondered if the shock and sadness that I feel was mirrored by the Romans as they witnessed their own civilization enter it’s death throes. I once believed that we could salvage the situation, but now I am not so certain. In forty years we have changed so much that I believe that it would be impossible to reverse course. The foundation of any society is the family. Once that is destroyed, the end becomes inevitable.
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…”
Once again we live in revolutionary times complete with a Louie and Marie in charge of a major Western nation…
Excellent pick.
I read this article yesterday. Probably deserves its own blog post, but I didn’t spot how to contact this blog’s author.
THIS is now an “aternative lifestyle”, according to the MSM filth:
It fits perfectly with what William says above at 19:46