Another great green bird killing machine

In addition to Wind turbines that James Delingpole brilliantly described as “Bat chomping,bird slicing eco crucifixes” we now have solar thermal power plants being built that birds mistake for the shimmering surface of a water source.Only problem is the mirrors at these plants,and there are a lot of them,heat the air to at or near 1,000*F  effectively frying the birds mid-flight.

If the law of unintended consequences smacks a lefty greentard in the face does it make a sound?Not if thier pockets are being stuffed with taxpayer and ratepayer cash it doesn’t.

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20 Responses to Another great green bird killing machine

  1. pmofnz says:

    I see an opening for an entrepreneurial.

    Come and get your “Finger Lickin’ Good – Organically Fried Buzzard”. :lol:

  2. It is, and always has been, about control.

    They don’t care who suffers: Mankind, birds, or even nature itself.

    Just as long as they have control, they don’t care how many endangered bird they slaughter with their death ray!

    I’ve driven past the “power-station” – it is a beacon for avian death.

    More on that here:

  3. Andrew Berwick says:

    Who gives a shit about birds for fucks sake?

    I don’t give a shit about fish, Hydro is great for cheap power.

    With the NZ dollar being strong (or rather Euro & USD weak) now is a great time to import turbines from Denmark & Korea and rack ’em up.

    • KG says:

      I give a shit about birds and fish. The world consists of more than your sterile obsession with economics – and whether you like it or not – a world where we treat other forms of life with contempt and indifference would be a bleak place indeed. :evil:

      • Wombat says:

        But you can’t win, really. Not if you want to eat meat at any rate.

        There’s always a tradeoff.

        • KG says:

          Of course. But it’s possible to hunt for or raise meat without treating wildlife as simply an impediment to making a profit.
          I’ve never met anybody who regards animals with indifference or contempt that I’d want for a friend. In my view they’re lacking something vital.

          • Wombat says:

            I agree with that.
            And ultimately it’s nice to have something to rub the noses of the eco-fascists in.

            ‘Twont matter in the long-run, but it’s good sport.

        • andy5759 says:

          Farmers, herdsmen and hunters will treat their animals with respect, even at the point of slaughter and, knowing the animal, at the table.

  4. Mathew says:

    I’m sure the greenies will find a way around it, they always drop their fake outrage and hysteria over deaths (humans and animals) when it’s politically necessary. Eggs, breaking….. omelet….. you get the drift.