From a link in the inimitable ‘Woodpile Report’:
‘..Many may remember the famed “Millennium Challenge 2002” held just before Operation Iraqi Freedom. Retired Marine general Paul Van Riper, appointed to serve as opposing force commander, quit because the exercise was rigged. ”We were directed…to move air defenses so that the army and marine units could successfully land,” he said. ”We were simply directed to turn [air defense systems] off or move them… So it was scripted to be whatever the control group wanted it to be.” For the U.S. Army to be successful in battle against competent opponents, changes are necessary…’ Armed Forces Journal
Excellent article. Will senior brass insist on more rigorous training and less gender sensitivity before disaster strikes? Nope. Peacetime (and make no mistake, this is peacetime) careers depend on the latter more than the former.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
- "The loss of freedom is like cancer; it will spread slowly but surely across all parts of society until our liberty has been utterly eaten away and we are left with nothing but a half-forgotten idea of what freedom was."
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A limp-dick American military is pretty good news right about now, since nobody is really sure how many of them will follow orders of a certain variety when the defecation meets the oscillation.
The more pissed off, disillusioned grunts, the better.
!!!MNIFOB*!!!BlackBerry has twerped yours very truly HarvardPotatoHead, a magna cum laude graduate of Harvard Law & Military Strategy School along with the famous Yankee gen’l, BlackBerrymus al Caesar de Venus undt Mars has acxd yvt 2 announce the following military strategy Staff** Ride which trends 2 O’Keffe’s Feed & Seed Lotte for a post ride seminar hosted by the Harvard School of Tongue Techniques, Deviant Behavior for Officer’s Staffs, and the always popular Beer Summit evolving on the back lotte with commanding demonstrations of the BaSo Male Enhancement Pump Company***and Public Money Printing & Disposal, Inc., plus the always popularular Mexican Drug Cartel 12 year old Virgins offering exquisite eye candy for those inclined to depravity and vice*****
*MNIFOB – my nose is full of boogers
**His staff or yours and if you like your staff you can keep your staff. Period.
***Creators undt Manufacturers of fine Candies, Chinese Boxer Shorts****
****Boxer Shorts r presented in a wide variety of colorful designs and styles
*****i.e. everybody in attendance except Diplomatic pouch who is back at D White Hacienda mixing up Mom’s tasty Mountain Oyster Salad undt frying deep fat slime Mexican Blooming Cactus !!!!!OOMMGG!!!Dippy is txtN yvt got to go she B wantN me to try her recipe on slathering taco sauce in places even a proctologist won’t go without major backup from BlackBerry’s Rectal Squad tata yours very trulililily HarvardPotatoHead
Good luck with that HPH you deranged Ivy League corkscrew. Seems likely that he will soon pass out from the stress of living with those people. Too bad.
Speaking for myself, I got to find something to do beside watching news and reading blogs. There are more things in life, however, most of them seem destined to disappear very soon as in “Pop.”
Wisdom from the Woodpile-
Stop waiting for the system to change, or collapse. Change the way YOU live and survive. Build your own localized systems and walk away.
It is the nature of free people to demand their military do something when the barbarians are at the gates. But when the barbarians are far away and the fear of slavery and death is gone, they turn on their protectors, heaping scorn and all sorts of bastardry on them.
Don’t worry, we’ll learn the hard and painful way soon enough, it’s the nature of things.