‘One Election Away from Losing Our Freedom’

Daniel Greenfield:
‘..America’s Two Party system has worked because both parties, for the most part, were not absolutists. The exceptions, like FDR, did a great deal of damage, but their sway was limited. What has changed is the level of mobilization, coordination and integration on the left. Social institutions, major corporations, the media, unions, non-profits and the educational system have been knitted together into a totalitarian entity with an agenda. This state of affairs transcends democracy and cannot be remedied by democratic elections…
…Every area of life is being politicized and this politicization did not take place as a result of elections and cannot be stopped with mere elections. The politicization of everything is the indication of a totalitarian movement at work. To politicize a thing is to claim ownership over it. Universal politicization means absolute power for the politicizers….’

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20 Responses to ‘One Election Away from Losing Our Freedom’

  1. Andrew Berwick says:

    An accurate description of the state of things in 2007.

    Or more realistically, 1932.

  2. Robertv says:

    And one of their tools was/is global warming climate change. There is just one small problem. No warming and no change since 1960.


  3. Mathew says:

    Americans have lost their freedom, so have most of us too. To be accurate, we didn’t really lose it, we gave it up. Eventually someone will come to teach us the consequences of it. Then we’ll either take it back or just become their bitch.

  4. KG says:

    The EUSSR bares its teeth:
    Ukraine reaches ‘deal’ with protesters…

    Poland warns ‘sign or you will all die’…

    Threat of military intervention…

    (via Drudge)

    • Robertv says:

      Military intervention is WW III

      • Darin says:

        This could have all been avoided if Obama had finished what Bush tried to do by getting the Ukraine included in NATO.

      • Robertv says:

        Russia would never have allowed that.

        • Darin says:

          Bush could have done it,but not Obama,too limp wristed.

          • Robertv says:

            Than the pro-russians would be holding the city centre right now. The country is divided in two blocks and I don’t know who of the two has more power.What I do know is that more and more ‘normal’ europeans want to stop the EU experiment. So why the hell they want to form part of this EUSSR makes me wonder who is behind all this . Who is paying? You think these people risk their life because they love their country?
            I only know that Europe would have a hard time without the russian natural gas supply.

            • Darin says:

              And that is the lynch pin isn’t it?Putin was smart to get Europe and the Ukraine hooked on cheap oil and natural gas,a dealer always has control over his junkies,well played Mr Putin.

              I think the Ukrainian people now realise they went backwards and elected a Moscow puppet in Mr Yanukovich and are willing to change that violently if need be-good on them,wish we would do the same.

              As far as leaning towards the EU,they really don’t have much choice.It’s either the EUSSR under Brussells or the USSR under Putin.I think they already have experience with the latter hince the choice being made.

  5. Michael in Nelson says:

    So the FCC has ‘backed down’ from its proposed study to put ‘researchers’ into newsrooms and ask itimidating questions.


    EXCUSE ME! These assholes have only said they will not ask the questions. I don’t see anything anywhere (yet) that they will not send ‘monitors’ into newsrooms. I also have not seen a single reporter, pundit, blog post calling them on this omission. Am I that far ahead of all of them in awareness? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif

  6. Robertv says:

    Anybody thinks ‘Dear Leader’ is a Freemason.


    I don’t.
