why not get ’em all desexed

and then Kiwis could be really proud of their Defence Force!
‘The New Zealand Defence Force has been ranked number one in an international study assessing the integration of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender service members…’

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9 Responses to why not get ’em all desexed

  1. Ronbo says:


    Speaking of the “Casket Affair” – I wonder how many beers and joints of Mary Jane it took these young troops to come up with very gross idea?

    RULE NUMBER ONE: If you are going to do something really stupid and/or illegal DO NOT POST the pictures on Facebook, Twitter, etc. :!:


    In regards to the wimp-a-zation of the KIWI military: The Tea Party Movement has some issues along the same lines:



  2. Findalis says:

    But dead last in whether they can fight.

  3. Mathew says:

    How nice for them. I suppose they’ll have a float at the annual gay parades too. So long as they have their priorities all sorted out. It’s a brave new world isn’t it. On the plus side they’ll be the first to embrace reality if it ever comes knocking. Unless off course it’s one of those infamous lead-from-the-ass operations.

  4. andy5759 says:

    That made me laugh so much that I got funny looks in the pub.

    I heard that when the USSR was breaking up, they offered to part-pay their national debt to NZ with a couple of nuclear subs. NZ declined, this was about the time France launched an attack on the Rainbow Warrior.

  5. Tom says:

    I,m not looking forward to the day when it becomes compulsary to be a poof.the way things are going here in nz it wont be that long.

    • Barry says:

      California legalised homosexuality in 1975. Then Bob Hope joked that he was there when that happened but he got out before they made it compulsory!

  6. Flashman says:

    To be perfectly honest the NZDF’s military component is purely symbolic…perhaps on a par with that of Eire. It’s not a combat force and (SAS aside) even when in The Ghan spent most of its time on such “reconstruction” projects such as building latrines for the Germans.

    Today it exists to provide “employment opportunities” and catch-up “training” overladen with a thick overburden of “Maori culture immersion” admixed with a thin seasoning of chocolate soldiering to maintain the illusion.

    Up until recently any young Kiwi bloke wanting to enlist motivated with a desire for trigger time went to Britain.