Reform the ABC. Or destroy it.

‘Last night’s episode of Q&A was one of the most outrageously and offensively biased of an ABC show that has been uniformly biased.
It was also an insight into the broad Left’s loathing of free speech and the West, and into the racism that informs its anti-racist posturing…..      source

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7 Responses to Reform the ABC. Or destroy it.

  1. K2 says:

    You can’t reform state owned media. Like all state facilities, it is inherently on the side of big government in the same way a pet is on the side of the owner who feeds it. You can temporarily change it’s policies, but eventually it will return like a compass to it’s true north, which ever philosophy maximizes it’s feedbag.

  2. Wombat says:

    I could only read the first screen length before it made me too mad to proceed.

    I will personally advocate for the demise of the ABC from here on in, in letters to the editor and by any other means possible.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Two choices:
    (1) break it up and sell it off, or
    (2) sack Mark Scott and put Bolt or Tim Blair in charge.

  4. tried to view video- but-1+ HOURS! of lib. speak- NO Way–
    BTW- heads up- CAIR is coming against the RWF – Republican Women Federated- and advising them to cease putting the truth about islam in chapter newsletters-
    just thought you would like to know–

  5. Mathew says:

    K2 is right. Don’t ask for it to be reformed, Conservatives have been begging for balance for years and all we ever got was a big “FUCK YOU” from the left.

    Call for it to be sold off or defunded, Australia is deep in debt and we need to save all that we can. Sell it off, get rid of it and let them reform themselves or die. That’s how the rest of us have to live, let them live the same way.

    • Wombat says:

      I suggested that in the break room the other day. The progressives looked at me like I’d just advocated for another holocaust.

      “Would you think it’s necessary to have a state run newspaper too?”, I asked. That concept seemed to perplex them.

      What was remarkable was that they could flip their position at the drop of a hat.
      One second it was “the ABC isn’t biased or left leaning”, and a mere moment later it was “the ABC has to run counter to the typical right wing bias of the mainsteam media.”
      “Uhh, which is it?”, I asked. “Are they non-biased or biased with justification?”

      The automated anti-logic shield instantly went up and I found myself being heckled as a pawn of Rupert Murdoch. :roll:

      • KG says:

        The response to that ought to be: Answer the fucking question!
        And when they babble on, still not answering it, walk away.
        Works for me. :grin: