Still driving

DSCN4035On the edge of the Simpson Desert, yesterday. Plenty of room to move out here.
(click pic for full size)

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11 Responses to Still driving

  1. mawm says:

    Fine looking country, certainly beats fields of kikuyu fringed with gorse.

  2. rivoniaboy says:

    I love the idea that there is no end to the horizon – reminds me of my youth.

  3. rivoniaboy says:

    Sure do,KG!

  4. KG says:

    There’s something about looking out there and thinking…’there’s nothing out there for thousands of kilometres and the next stop is the Indian Ocean…’
    That, and the silence…all you can hear is the ticking of a cooling engine.
    It’s just good for the soul.

  5. Cadwallader says:

    The ability to stand in the middle of Australia, spin on your heel, and see nothing but a heat dancing horizon is a treat. I see huge expanses just waiting to house immigrants, refugees, over-stayers etc…

  6. Robertv says:

    Enjoy it while you (we) can.

  7. Darin says:

    I like it,it would be better if it didn’t get so hot……that and there were a series of tiny orange dots a 1,000 yards out :mrgreen: