FFS! When is the West going to wake up?

DISTURBING photos have emerged showing at least one British airman smiling and giving the thumbs-up while posing with the corpse of a Taliban fighter.’
“Disturbing”…. another weasel word, like “inappropriate”. So a member of the military gives a thumbs up next to one of the dead vermin. You know, the same vermin who murder schoolchildren, mutilate little girls, skin captives alive, rape little boys……..
But shiny-assed chair-polishing senior brass and a gaggle of liberal lawyers find a thumbs-up “disturbing”!…may God help us.

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11 Responses to FFS! When is the West going to wake up?

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Liberal apologists ought to have their eyes sutured open and be forced to watch a video presentation of the Beslan Atrocities! :evil:

    • KG says:

      Damn right, Oswald. Bastards. And send the pricks to the front lines for a few months.

      • Mathew says:

        Just send them to the front lines to man the road blocks where suicide bombers are lurking. Showing them atrocities committed by muslims in the name of their faith will only make them double down on the usual blame-the-west shit.

  2. Wombat says:

    All soldiers taking photos next to dead enemy combatants shall henceforth be required to stare into the distance and shed a single tear.

  3. dondiego says:

    Destroying not one but SIX jump-jets is “disturbing”. O/T, but not … the West will not likely awaken until some major slaughter has diminished our numbers further.

    A theme I’d picked up from SBPDL -and initially discounted, as it seems so ludicrous, is negro-worship replacing Christianity.
    However there appears to be a lot of evidence that (intentionally softened and) dumbed-down whites are going for it. This post highlights the stupidity of “thought” and abuse/corruption of languge Westerners are propagandised with. It appears to me to all be part of it [the attack on our culture].

    From this blog http://cambriawillnotyield.wordpress.com/2014/05/03/in-the-name-of-all-that-is-holy/ sums it up for me.” To them the negro and the lesser gods of color are holy, and whoever denies that tenet of faith is a blasphemer and will be dealt with accordingly.”

    Kind-of ties in with the young (and older too) blokes I’ve seen wearing tribal tatts and big muscles. -Here [Australia] I’m thinking the brainwashing factor isn’t as strong yet.

  4. Ronbo says:


    The 11th of September:

    Planes, Flames and Muslim Plot.

    I See No Reason Why Muslim Plot,

    Should Ever Be Forgot….. :evil:

  5. Wombat says:

    I have a great idea.

    From now on people will randomly be refused services that would otherwise be funded publicly (healthcare, welfare etc) and told “sorry, but defence against Islamic attrocities and Muslims seeking refuge from their Islamic shitholes have soaked up the funding that would otherwise have paid for your service”.

    When people have to choose between open borders and having a tumor removed they might start to get their heads straight.

    • KG says:

      http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yahoo.gif We wish, Wombat. No Westerner would have the balls to do it though.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_sad.gif

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Never happen, wombat. The thing people are most terrified of, and what politicians of all stripes stay awake nights dreaming up new ways to avoid, is responsibility for your actions, and the consequences thereof.