
Obama Administration: Boko Haram Has ‘Legitimate Concerns’
‘…The idea that a devout Muslim group that slaughters in the cause of Islam practically every day and whose very name means “Western education is sinful” has “legitimate concerns” exposes the dangerous motives of the pro-jihadist Obama administration…’
So–abducting Christian schoolgirls and selling them into slavery and murdering many thousands of innocent people is an expression of “legitimate concerns” according to the traitorous, integrity-free bastard scum infesting the White House and the State Department.  These people should be put on trial.

UPDATE:    ‘Selfies won’t stop Boko Haram’
UPDATE2:  ‘Unsecured Libyan Weapons Went to Boko Haram’

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34 Responses to Jaw-dropping!

  1. mawm says:

    I see Clinton supported Boko Haram before she was against them. She is more despicable than BJ……..if that is at all possible.

  2. john says:

    Just what one would expect from the utter filth that is the Obama regime. :evil:

  3. Darin says:

    First get rid of this useless administration,preferably to GITMO.

    Second,send in the teams and get the girls back.

    Third ,drop the hammer of god on the muslim primates in Northern Nigeria.

    See how simple things can be when you cut through all the political touchy feeley bullshit.

  4. Ronbo says:

    Just when you think the ugly and big ass First Whore…err…First Lady can’t act more stupid and obnoxious, she pulls a stunt like this to underline how powerless the USA is over a few ragtag Muslim terrorists: :evil:


    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Not powerless, Ronbo. After all, these goat-raping paedophile-worshipping shit-kickers could be dealt with quite easily with a little of the darin prescription laid out above.

      Not powerless. Obsequious. Pandering. Grovelling.

      The sub-human mongrel in the White House and its “wife”(?) have deliberately weakened the United States militarily and internationally to such an extent that I’m actually not surprised Moochelle or the army of sycophants advising her didn’t see anything wrong with portraying America as such a weakling; after all, that’s their dream. That’s their “fundamental transformation”.

      There’s a difference between this vile traitor making America appear weak and America actually being weak. Unless of course America sleep-walks her way to President Hillary in 2016, so the programme of weakening and eventually destroying America can continue apace.

  5. Kathleen says:

    This socialist president of ours is so evil, he makes me want to puke.

  6. Cadwallader says:

    During the past week I heard a commentator compare the expense hunting the missing Malaysian Airlines jet (together with the world-wide publicity) to the apparent reluctance to recover the defiled schoolgirls from these mongrels. I see the strangely named Good Luck Johnson has been equivocal in his condemnation of his homeland Islamo-scum so I expect the POTUS has taken a weak lead from him.

  7. The Gantt Guy says:

    And now, she’s stooping to whining in front of the nation in place of her “husband”:

    “US First Lady Michelle Obama is to speak out against the kidnapping of more than 200 Nigerian schoolgirls by Islamic militants when she gives the weekly presidential address instead of her husband, the White House says.”

    Is it still a Presidential address when it isn’t given by the President?

  8. Ronbo says:

    I’m sure the Federal back down at the Bundy ranch and the wimp out in regards to the Islamist Nigerian kidnappers has made a few American patriots realize that to overthrow this Obama Regime would be about as difficult as kicking over a house of cards. :evil:

  9. The Gantt Guy says:
  10. the conservative says:

    And of course the problem is ‘poverty.’

    “John Kerry on Wednesday blamed Boko Haram on poverty, saying that “much of this challenge comes out of this poverty where young people are grabbed at an early stage, proffered a little bit of money.””

    Hmmmm……let me think about that; Saudi Arabia hardly has a poverty problem, yet they’re as bad if not worse than the rest of them.

    So I guess Kerry’s answer is to redistribute wealth to them, and they will like us better.

    • Darin says:

      I’m shocked,just shocked he didn’t blame Bush,or racism,or a youtube videohttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif

      Next he will say Boko Haram is “being swift boated”I guess,sheesh the man is such an idiot.

  11. Mathew says:

    Maybe if the girls had been muslim he might muster some balls and hot words. Don’t look to America anymore folks, they’re too busy tearing their clothes off over some imagined hurt feelings or other.

    We’d better wake up and make our own way in this dangerous world.