And why the most dangerous man on Earth isn’t a terrorist or even a dictator,he’s a French economist.Read it and weep-
So his policies are Marxist and he’s a member of the French socialist party…..but he’s not a Socialist? Sure he isn’t,rightttt
And why the most dangerous man on Earth isn’t a terrorist or even a dictator,he’s a French economist.Read it and weep-
So his policies are Marxist and he’s a member of the French socialist party…..but he’s not a Socialist? Sure he isn’t,rightttt
Yep, ignore the actual findings (they’re hard and there’s maths) just smear the guy.
The actual findings? The “actual findings” are skewed and incomplete.
And when a clown like Krugman praises the book in these hysterical-girly terms, you just know it’s shit:
‘Columnist Paul Krugman said it was “the most important economics book of the year — and maybe of the decade.’
‘He all but ignores both the huge overall advance in prosperity in the last century and the societal benefits that come with a prosperous and property-owning middle class. ‘…He thinks a great deal about how governments have taxed the rich less in the last few decades, but pays almost no attention to how the authorities have helped the relatively poor.
Such gaps lead to a picture of the world that is barely recognisable. Sympathetic readers may be willing to overlook Piketty’s many blind spots. But their uncritical enthusiasm could easily make them look foolish. Ultimately, Piketty-worship will weaken the reasonable political case for pay restraint.’
We realize leftards are desperately looking for a red messiah, but Picketty ain’t him.
“He all but ignores both the huge overall advance in prosperity in the last century and the societal benefits that come with a prosperous and property-owning middle class.”
If you can explain how somebody who calls himself an economist can do that and pretend to have a prescription for fixing anything more complex than a pound hammer then do tell us, Sargent Brown.
The advance in prosperity is a consequence of state investment in education, healthcare, infrastructure, R&D and so on. The sort of things you hate.

How’s Cuba this time of year, you great, flying ding-bat?

“The advance in prosperity is a consequence of state investment in education, healthcare, infrastructure, R&D and so on..”

That qualifies as this year’s most pig-ignorant, gibbering clown wrong-headed assholic comment.
Congratulations–your signed copy of Robert Mugabe’s essay on economic theory is in the mail.
Perhaps too, you should check what’s written at the top of the right sidebar>>> (the right is on the same side as the hand you probably use….never mind. Why belabor the obvious?)
This little gen pulls the mask off-
“A lot of progress can be done at the national level, especially for large countries like the U.S., which has one quarter of world’s GDP. So we don’t have to ask permission of other countries to move in the direction of a progressive wealth tax. The United States could transform its property tax system into a progressive tax on net worth without asking permission to the rest of the world.”
That is hardcore wealth confiscation and nothing more.The property tax system is the most evil and insidious tax of all and it has been used to destroy more wealth belonging to the middle class than any other tool.They want to tax you on property you own that was acquired with money you have already paid taxes on.Furthermore they want to continue taxing that property over and over year after year and always at an increasing rate.If you can no longer pay the tax,your property is taken from you and now belongs to the government. Of course the lie used by the left to justify this is “equality and helping the poor” and “will only affect the richest 1%” yet invariably it always hits the middle class hardest.
There is just an endless pool of those educated by the state who have never thought for themselves.
Kim Jong Un, the hero of the left! Actually he’s beginning to grow on me a bit………
North Korea calls President Barack Obama a “clown”, a “dirty fellow” and somebody who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being”.
“He is a crossbreed with unclear blood,”
“still has the figure of monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years”
“It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick the bread crumbs thrown by spectators.”
“Helping the poor” eh…..the poor get more than enough effing help:
‘Half of families receive more in welfare payments than they pay in income tax, new figures reveal.’
What socialist scum will never admit is that all welfare does is destroy the middle class and the recipients. But socialists do very nicely out of churning other people’s hard-earned money through their bureaucracy into the welfare system. By the time a dollar reaches the end-users, it’s worth around 28c.
“The advance in prosperity is a consequence of state investment in education, healthcare, infrastructure, R&D and so on. The sort of things you hate.”
If government had anything to with the improvement of living standards, then how do you explain “The Great Leap Forward” made in the West during the 19th century when mankind jumped from the Age of Agriculture to the Industrial Revolution made possible by millions of rugged individualists without government aid?
Big Government lesson learned in Australia:
I’m not sure where this moonbat go the idea we hate R&D, healthcare and infrastructure, Ronbo. And the only thing we hate about education is what leftist assholes have turned it into.
Everything these clownish, juvenile, corrupt pricks touches turns to shit. But–just like muslims–they refuse to see the connection between their rotten ideology and the disasters that are the result of it.
Bye bye–you’re an idiot.
You were more patient with him than you usually are with the tolls!
And how’s that working out for ya, you surly curmudgeon?
What’s next? Diversity and Inclusiveness?
Diversity and Inclusiveness? Sure,it’s always good to have a variety of targets and multiple weapons

Hey Darin:
Wake me up for the REVOLUTION:
Hehe…where I am from the “militia” could be used to describe 3/4 of the population
If any feds are reading this always remember-“A rifle behind every blade of grass”
The Feds are reading this. We have Wordfence installed and it shows every hit on CR together with a whole heap of information on each.
Friend of mine is an administrator for a fortune 500 company.He says the surest sign that the feds have been poking around is when you start getting spammed by porn sites.
Very few people on their work computers will surf porn,it’s grounds for immediate termination in the private sector,but not in the government.They surf porn and everything else with impunity while they are on the clock.
Or, as the bastards recently discovered, behind every overpass crash-barrier!

or they use porn spam to set up their enemies, Darin..
That would indicate some level of intelligence however malevolent it might be,but then there is this-
And this-
And that’s just their online behavior,nothing has been said about their real world sex romps,drug use and god knows what else they are into on the taxpayer dime.
mawm said:
There is just an endless pool of those educated by the state who have never thought for themselves.
Kim Jong Un, the hero of the left! Actually he’s beginning to grow on me a bit………
North Korea calls President Barack Obama a “clown”, a “dirty fellow” and somebody who “does not even have the basic appearances of a human being”.
“He is a crossbreed with unclear blood,”
“still has the figure of monkey while the human race has evolved through millions of years”
“It would be perfect for Obama to live with a group of monkeys in the world’s largest African natural zoo and lick the bread crumbs thrown by spectators.”
Boy, Kim Ding Dong in trouble!
Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton are gonna double down on the little racist
Unless, of course, Kim Ding Dong of North Korea makes a generous donation to “The Struggle.”
1. The only Economics book everyone in the world should be required to read – Thomas Sowell’s Basic Economics. I forced my kids to read it as a requirement for them to continue living under my roof.
2. The fact that socialism has never worked, anywhere it has been tried, ought to be a clue that there might be a bit of smoke and mirrors in Piketty’s theories.
3. The fact that Obama, who has done more to transfer wealth than any President in our history, is also presiding over its worst post WWII economy (and even that is only because the fed has the printing presses working 24/7) ought to be a clue.