The Christchurch rebuild. Is this mere incompetence?
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For starters we employ a Town Clerk and dress him up with some fancy title like CEO and then pay this incompetent over 1/2 a million dollars and together with a bunch of incompetent left wing councillors, we must expect incompetence.
I guess so…it’s only taxpayer’s money, after all.
Oh from experience after Katrina I can assure you it’s not just simple incompetence,it’s more so just simple greed and corruption.
I would bet without seeing and win that there are green advisers,cultural advisers,psychological counselors,multiples of green architects all being paid from the till to produce proposals for structures that will never be built.”Green space” is a phrase that loosely translates to mean the amount green inside their wallets rather than a park.
Make no mistake,these “green design” firms and NGO engineering firms descend on disaster stuck areas and feed like Locusts before flying off to their next victims taking huge piles of essentially stolen money with them with no consequences of any type
Nailed it. It’s honeypot for these parasites.
Yeah. Let’s have a $253 million “sports” stadium. That’ll fix the roads and get the basic central city infrastructure humming. Go Chch City Council!!!
If the NZ media did their job, I believe they’d uncover a vast network of corruption and incompetence around the emergency response, clean up and rebuilding of Christchurch.
One of the guys responsible for this debacle,left the council with his $400,000 handout.Guess incompetence pays.
The bureaucracy is merely a way to siphon taxpayer’s money off to their cronies, Tom.
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been 200 years.”
Possibly, Alexander Tytler (circa late 1700′s)
Hat tip to Jo Nova
I was in Chch recently for the first time since the quake. It was shocking to see how little progress was in evidence of a CBD re-build. All that seems to have happened is bomb-site clearance.
Rebuild? Nada.
Wherever the money’s going, most likely only ten cents in the dollar’s dribbling down into real-life construction.
“Wherever the money’s going, most likely only ten cents in the dollar’s dribbling down into real-life construction.”
That’s the impression I get too, Flashy. Crony capitalism’s unlovely face.