Leftists are liars and propagandists:

‘ABC interviews unemployed woman horrified she won’t be hurt by this Budget’
And a couple of generations of brainwashed, whining young people with an inflated sense of entitlement lap it up.

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4 Responses to Leftists are liars and propagandists:

  1. Mathew says:

    A lot of us are going to have to learn the hard and painful lesson that ‘free’ stuff isn’t actually free, nothing is free.

    My fear though is that we won’t learn it and we’ll just swing our votes to labor and the greens who have no interest is saving or getting people out of poverty.

    In many ways Abbott dug his own grave, he kept saying no cuts prior to the election, but now it looks like he’s cutting left and right, it won’t matter if he actually isn’t cutting and just refusing to honor all the shit the children in labor promised before. He will be pilloried from here to the end, the truth and the future of the nation be damned.

    Perhaps that’s why he did all this now, hoping things will improve in the long run before the next election.

  2. KG says:

    “He will be pilloried from here to the end, the truth and the future of the nation be damned.”
    He sure will, and not entirely underservedly. I realise that there are some fairly severe constraints on what his government can do, but unless and until they rein in the taxpayer-funded propaganda machine that is the ABC, nothing will change.
    He doesn’t seem to have grasped the fact that the left is the enemy and is at war with conservative values. Trying to counter them within the bounds of decency and honor is a lost cause.
    (And I don’t use the word “war” lightly.)

  3. Darin says:

    It blows my mind that the ABC and BBC even exist.Same with our PBS,they should compete in the private market or not exist.