
IMG_05981-300x243‘Councils push for smoke-free Aust cities’
So they’ll also be banning diesel trucks and buses, then? Nah, thought not.

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5 Responses to Zealots

  1. William Stout says:

    I have often marveled at the “Smoke Free” areas around hospitals in my area. So concerned is the medical establishment that they post signs and vigorously enforce that draconian policy to insure that you don’t breathe second hand smoke on hospital property. Yet, while in the very same area there are a dozen or so automobiles with engines running. Unless second hand smoke is far more lethal than automotive exhaust, the policy is window dressing only.

    The truth is that they don’t really care about our health in regard to second hand smoke. If they did, they would order the shut down of all of the carbon monoxide you breathe to get into the hospital in the first place. No, what they care about is control of your behavior and your habits. This is why the left and the smoking Nazis find themselves as natural allies. Some jurisdictions in the U.S. has even gone so far as to declare that a person who smokes at home and has children to be a child abuser.

    Science has become the pet of the politicians and it heeds it’s master’s call. Beware of “scientists” and their studies. They are the doomsayers of the left.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    At least some citizens in the US are taking their public officials to task for not allowing public comment



  3. Mathew says:

    They’ll ban it in Melbourne, that’s a whacky city that’s in a race with Canberra to be the most left-crazed city in Australia. You won’t be able to light up the fags you can legally buy in Melbourne city, oh but you can light up your bongs and weed that’s supposedly illegal though. Makes perfect sense, if you’re a lefty.