The funniest thing ever to land in my inbox,

from one who shall remain nameless:
“It isn’t often I get to read an analysis of a mathematical theory of color constructed in three-dimensional space, written in 1220 by a Medieval bishop. Yes yes, I know, it doesn’t take much to keep me amused…”

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17 Responses to The funniest thing ever to land in my inbox,

  1. Seneca III says:

    Was this Grosseteste’s three dimensional theory utilising the three binomial co-efficients (3/1, 3/2, 3/3) by any chance?

  2. Darin says:

    Lucky you,I mostly get stuff like this-–259885241.html

    That and e-mails from buddies who just bought up all the .22lr in town the moment it hit the store shelves Bastards all! :x

  3. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    CAC*!!!BlackBerry has axd yvt 2 announc3e the grand opening of OMG it’s Diplomatic Pouch on the twit twittering like a twit later got some good trending transitionary news phartZ to pop out of the bog administraitors posterior gotta go

    *CAC Cweepy arse CwakA may yvt comment briefly on the topic even tho not much experience has been experienced at the sinking subject but everything is OK. Like no kidding

  4. Contempt says:

    yeah right

  5. KG says:

    Crocodile injured by falling accountant

      • Seneca III says:

        likewise, Darin, but as this was a 260lb Russian female of unknown sexual predilections how can we be sure it actually was an accident?

          • KG says:

            There I was, going from the good Bishop to other places the article led me–such as the dreaded Navier-Stokes equations of fluid dynamics (shudder) memory……
            Now I can’t get this picture of a crocodile….oh never mind.
            2am. More coffee.