Scum on the run!

David Cameron draws up immigration laws to foil Ukip
David Cameron is drawing up new immigration laws in response to rising anger over the number of EU migrants moving to Britain, The Telegraph can disclose.
….The plans represent a concerted attempt to combat the rising popularity of the UK Independence Party which threatens to derail the Tories’ hopes of winning an outright parliamentary majority….’
Amazing, eh? How many years has the slimeball had to fix the problem? Only when the cozy two-party power sharing arrangement is threatened, when they’re faced with the real possibility of having their elitist snouts dragged out of the trough, do they finally listen to the people.

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16 Responses to Scum on the run!

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Sort of like the establishment Republicans trying to forestall the TEA party eh?

  2. Ronbo says:

    Too late for slow poke Cameron – He’s eating the dust of the revolutionary UKIPs. :mrgreen:

    • mawm says:

      Nobody believes him anymore. He’s been making promises about a referendum on staying in/getting out of the EU and nothing has happened. The Brits are tired of his lies and his obeisance to Brussels.

  3. Andrew Berwick says:

    The best news of all from the UK elections isn’t how UKIP are scratching the tories – It’s how they’re completely wasting Labour in the North.

    Once Scotland goes, England & Wales should never have a socialist government again.

  4. Cadwallader says:

    I am intrigued (too early to be excited) by the UKIP Party. Does anyone here know the best spots to school-up on UKIP?

    • KG says:

      Their web site is here, Cad:

      • Cadwallader says:

        OK. I take it that hauling the UK out of Europe and thus limiting inbound losers across the borders are the fundamental and most strident policies. I have no problems with those. I shall start to take notice. Thanks.

    • Yokel says:

      Equally you could read This blog is written by Richard North, who was a UKIP researcher in Brussels. He would characterise UKIP as a policy free zone the purpose of which is to massage Farage’s ego.

      Good orator he may be, but like many City & ex-City types, he seems to suffer from the bullying that is endemic in that life. So he is surrounded only by Yes-men. He will do badly in the 2015 election because he does not NOW have an activist base who are CERTAIN of what the party stands for.

      This is incredibly sad, for I would be only too pleased for them to do a Wat Tyler. (Though given the activities of NSA, GCHQ, MI5, etc I would imagine the ending would be the same as well!)

  5. k2 says:

    I’ve seen this type of thing before from corrupt pols. They’ll propose a law that on the surface looks like a big deal but is actually an easily subverted stopgap. If the electorate aren’t steadfast and push for total change they will lose everything.

  6. Darin says:

    Just like the Dems,when they start losing they change the rules :evil:

    • KG says:

      Nothing will change until these bastards are held to account.
      Now, where’s that coil of hemp rope…….

  7. That’s the way third parties function best: by compelling the major parties to give ground on the issues the third parties have popularized. At one time the U.S. third parties did rather well at that: the Libertarian Party was important in dampening the GOP’s acceptance of the regulatory state, and the Right To Life Party did good work at firming up the GOP’s anti-abortion stance. But the major-party kingmakers don’t like being chivvied that way, and both of them collaborated on electoral “adjustments” that have essentially robbed American third parties of their influence.

  8. Ronbo says:

    KG said:

    “Nothing will change until these bastards are held to account.
    Now, where’s that coil of hemp rope……”

    Great minds think alike :!:

    A majority of patriots in this country think what appears at this time to be electoral victories in the mid term election coming in November will enact a peaceful revolution, but my take on the Obama and his Progressive Regime is that they will ignore the U.S. Congress and rule by Presidential Orders enforced by the federal bureaucracy.

    However, like the man said, “Peaceful change denied makes violent revolution inevitable.” :evil:

  9. Mathew says:

    Isn’t it nice to see the pricks like these forced to do the right thing. The fact that they really don’t want to do it and have to squirm all the way makes it so enjoyable. :grin: