‘When a Girl Dropped Her Coins in a Hat, a Musician Began to Play. A Spectacular Performance Awaited…’
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- Darin on Open House 12/21/24
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- Michael in Nelson on Open House 12/21/24
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Indeed, Darin, indeed
It sure is! And the reaction of some of the kids to the music is wonderful. Beethoven would have been delighted.
Been around for a while KG. Glad to see it again. There are a number of flash mob music videos. Here is one of my favourites.
That’s pretty cool too, Michael.
Interesting, isn’t it, that nobody is mentioning that the shooter in the U.S. knifed three room-mates to death before shooting the others. The media is full of terms such as “gun massacre” but no “knife massacre”.
I have a problem with it.
It’s the European Anthem
It’ll outlast the EUSSR, Robert.
Something more Robert’s speed
Thanks Darin
Here’s one for KG-Emmylou Harris & The Hot Band late 70’s-
Now there’s a collection of legends!
Goosebumps time. Thanks KG.
Lovely, isn’t it, Mara?
2012? I do not know how I had not seen this before. The performance brought tears to my eyes; I was quite choked up. Thank you big time.
Same here, Pascal.
The thing is, there’s so much ugly crap happening worldwide that that video is essential therapy. As is the You Tube Father Ray Kelly sings at Irish wedding. Here we have a happy, NORMAL heterosexual wedding with participants who have NORMAL, traditional values, a gorgeous couple and a Priest who delights us all. I suppose most here have seen it but if not check it out. …. hint, he a fab singer and nobody saw it coming.
Yeah, it’s all too easy to forget that the world is filled with decent people and immensely heartening stories.
Propaganda for a Catalan bank institution. I noticed that most people watching (99,5%) are white Catalans.
greatings from Barcelona , Catalunya
Whatever, Robert. But the reactions of many of them are genuine enough. The music and the musicians will long outlast any petty political considerations.
Music is the only hope. Watch the kids in the video.
This is not music
This is a cry for help a symptom of frustration nowhere to go no future. Not the music you would play cleaning up the wreckage. It is the music of an imminent collapse of society.
I once saw a film clip of some old German musicians who gathered chairs from the rubble of their city and in the middle of people cleaning up and scavenging what they could from the wreckage, the three of them gave an impromptu violin performance. (Mozart, I think).
Some things transcend and endure and I refuse to let filth drown them out.
There are also examples of music giving comfort to those about to die.This one example is probably the most famous-
Yes indeed.