Interesting, isn’t it, that almost nobody is mentioning that the shooter in the U.S. knifed three room-mates to death before shooting the others. The media is full of terms such as “gun massacre” but no “knife massacre”.
In a month’s time, the knife will have ceased to exist.
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This is the third tier hollywood son, yeah? I’d read two brief articles before Darin’s link and a knife was never mentioned. This is the first I’ve heard/read of it .
There’s a link on DRUDGEREPORT that mentions the 3 dead by knife. Nowhere else so far.
The Daily Mail talks about stabbings.
Have no fear, knives will not be forgotten.
In Britain, where legally held firearms are almost as rare as hen’s teeth, Mr Plod the Policeman has already turned his attention to knives. One is only allowed to carry a pen knife with no more than a 3 inch blade so long as the blade does not lock open. For anything bigger than that, one has to have “good cause”, such as I have just bought it and it is still in its packaging and I am on the direct route home.
As soon as the guns are gone, knives will be next.
It will all be perfectly legal.
And then, finally, people may begin to explore a number of weapons available to them, everyday items which are impossible to ban.
“Police interviewed Elliot Rodger and found him to be a “perfectly polite, kind and wonderful human,” but noted that he had few friends and no girlfriend, he added. Police did not find a history of guns.”
Pretty much puts holes in the “the police will protects us” argument doesn’t it?
Perhaps they should have checked his cutlery drawer?
The role of the police is to pick up the pieces after the event.
The role of decent people is to forestall the event.
I think the underlying trend here is we have another mass killing by another mentally deranged lefty brat.
One article said the guns he had were legally purchased and registered.I wonder who they were registered to???
My money is on the lefty anti-gun parents,it would by in keeping with lefty anti-gun hypocrisy .
Call me a rotten cynic if you wish, but given the subject of the Hunger Games (Peter Rodger is so proud of his contribution to a movie where the elite have made an institution of killing the hoi polloi), its not out of the question that he views Elliot’s rampage as the bright spot of his sorry life.
Breitbart Headline: “Rodger Family Releases Statement Supporting Gun Control”
Fantasy Headline: “Rodger Family Statement: All Hollywood Should Be Sterilized”
Their actual statement appears designed to gain them sympathy from like-minded Leftists rather than display any real grief for the victims.
They show no regret for their absentee raising of the monster.
They display no regret for providing him with the opportunity and means to stab 3 friends to death before running down 4 others with his car.
Peter Rodger appears to be thinking almost immediately “On the bright side, Elliot’s rampage will be a good thing if we can use it to advance gun control.”
Just seen this report: Brussels Jewish Museum shootings. Gun law in Belgium has been described elsewhere as stricter than Obama’s wet dream. Proof again that when you make gun ownership criminal, only criminals will have guns.
From the increasingly missing knives to the tears of a broken father calling for all guns to be seized, the politicians will once again trod upon the graves of the dead in order to deprive the law abiding of the right to self defense. Had that young man been an Islamist and used a bomb to create his casualties we would now be inundated with calls not to treat all Muslims as evil and told that this was the act of just a few. Isn’t it interesting how the logic changes when the left is involved?
The same tired refrain about the evil inherent in guns and not in man will be intoned by one leftist talking head after another. They will talk about how the right, the root cause of evil in the world today, keeps guns in the hands of the people thus enabling the slaughter. They will talk about how having a gun places you at greater risk. They will boo and hiss as the NRA once again takes the stage to defend the 2nd amendment of the United States Constitution. We have seen this all before.
The truth is simple, it is the left and not the right that has blood stained hands. From it’s very inception, the left has used everything from the guillotine to the modern machine gun to slaughter it’s victims. Yet they act as if they are Mother Theresa. Had those people been murdered with an automobile instead of a gun, do you honestly believe that they would be calling for restrictions on purchasing a car? Of course not, so why do they break out their sad faces and stand on the graves of the dead to seize our guns?
Because without our guns we would be defenseless against leftist tyranny. That is why they use the dead for political effect. They care not for a few dead kids, hell they created millions of dead just by banning DDT. If they really cared about life, don’t you think that they would admit that DDT is safe and allow it to be used? They don’t give a damn about the dead. What they care about is power and an armed citizen is a very real threat to that power.
Let us see if that fact creeps out while the talking heads drone on about the “humanity” of the situation.
Spot-on, as usual, William.
We had a 2 page spread in the paper about it, it’s funny how a shooting in the US gets Aussie chattering class all hot and panting and yet shootings are Jewish establishments get a small mention somewhere in the back of the paper. And that the name mohammed is growing in popularity in many countries in Europe gets no mention at all.
Oh and we never get any of this finger wagging, tut-tuting and rendering of undergarments whenever there’s a shooting out here in strict gun control Australia and the police are running around begging the crims to please stop. Only the shootings in America bother everyone so much.