
Despicable  propagandists of and for the left

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5 Responses to Australia’s

  1. mawm says:

    Actually laughable would describe it better. When repeaters use terms like “Islamic movement’s fighters” they declare their progressive bias immediately.

    • KG says:

      Laughable or not, Mawm, for a large number of people reading the article, that will become the “truth”.
      Just as the ABC uses misleading headlines to create a public perception. It’s an old and very effective tool of the left.

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    As much as the leftist media are trying to justify this debacle, the HBSC Administration outdoes them for slinking into the gutter.

  3. You know, it’s funny. I can remember a time when the news just reported the facts and allowed it’s customers to decide for themselves what it meant. Today, it seems as if all you get is somebody else’s spin on what really happened and if you want the facts you either have to give Fox News a go or sift through several sources to distill the truth of what really happened. In the States, about 80% of Americans know that the news is slanted to the left and that is why their ratings are in the toilet. You would think that they would get the picture from those stats, but it doesn’t seem to phase them. Just as the Obama White House has lost all credibility, news people who substitute their own opinions as the news are being caught in the same bind and a reputation once lost, is hell to get back.