The net closes in on the Welsh commie…..

‘…A BUILDER who renovated Julia Gillard’s Melbourne home says she told him that her then boyfriend, former union official Bruce Wilson, was paying for the work.
Athol James also said during sworn evidence to a royal commission today that he saw Mr Wilson hand to Ms Gillard “wads of notes” that amounted to a “large amount of cash” on at least two occasions, and she said she would pay him by cheque as Mr Wilson brought the cash.
The evidence to the royal commission into union corruption from Mr James directly contradicts the former Labor prime minister’s claims over the years that she paid for the renovations in the early 1990s herself….’  via Andrew Bolt

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3 Responses to The net closes in on the Welsh commie…..

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Now if someone would only come forward with something similar on the bilious bitch, HC….

  2. KG says:

    Sigh….we wish. It’s not as though she doesn’t have anything to hide, is it? Trouble is, NZ is such a small place (and corrupt) that a whistleblower’s life would be made hell.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Why am I not surprised :?:

    A criminal and a communist are psychological speaking psychopaths.

    This is what these subhumans do.