And this POS is still loved by leftards!


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18 Responses to And this POS is still loved by leftards!

  1. Adolf Fiinkensein says:

    Nothing but a fat arsed gangsters’ moll.

    • KG says:

      Who used to be in charge of the gang…..the MSM is largely ignoring the evidence against her and the ABC is actively putting a deceptive spin on it.

  2. KG says:

    She behaved exactly as one would expect a long-time communist slimeball to behave when handed power. The fact that she’s still much admired and fawned over by leftists tells us all we need to know about them.

    • Mathew says:

      A childless, unmarried, whiny communist liar who blames everyone but herself for her own record of failure; for the lefties, what’s not to like.

  3. KG says:

    slightly o/t. the staggering sense of entitlement people brought up under a socialist regime have. This, from an item in a NZ news outlet discussing the pros and cons of Kiwis living in Australia vs NZ:
    “Working for Families payments in New Zealand were $75 a fortnight for our three kids and here we get $485 – every Kiwi is entitled to that.”
    And a lot of commenters insisted that this isn’t welfare!!

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Fuck me, but there’s some serious ignorance on display there!

      • KG says:

        And utterly impervious to facts, Gantt. :evil:

        • Michael in Nelson says:

          And it isn’t limited to the uneducated KG. I know of at least one person in my office with a post graduate degree that got WoF and thought it was not welfare.

  4. Ronbo says:

    On a more positive note:

    Interesting relationship that Australia has with New Zealand that reminds me of Britain and America – when one goes from NZ to Oz the Pacific Ocean between is called “The Ditch” – when one goes from America to Britain the Atlantic Ocean is called “The Pond.”

    I suppose in a South Pacific context New Zealand is Britain and Australia is America. :mrgreen:

  5. KG says:

    “I suppose in a South Pacific context New Zealand is Britain and Australia is America.”
    Just so. But we’re going downhill too, imho. :sad:

  6. Darin says:

    I was watching an old episode of the John Adams series last night.It was the one where Adams first goes to France and is introduced to French aristocracy.

    To me the French appear as space aliens compared to Adams.Painted whores and silly obsessed queers completely detached from the people and they probably had no clue as to why the blade was being dropped on them in the revolution shortly there after.

    • KG says:

      I enjoyed that part of it too, Darin. The contrast was stark. Jefferson seemed at home there, though…

      • Darin says:

        Well the point I was going to make before the power blinked off here was :grin:

        Folks like Julia and Obama they don’t exist in the same world that we do,they couldn’t.They are the painted whores and silly obsessed queers of our time and as alien to normal people as the bottom of the sea is to an Eagle.When the end comes for them they will be as clueless as their predecessors.

  7. Andrew Berwick says:

    Nope – NZ is Ireland and Oz is the UK. The UK has an economy and Ireland doesn’t.
    Thanks to the GFC, the entire current generation of Irish university gra`

  8. Urban Redneck says:

    A communist, an atheist and a lesbian walk into a bar.

    The bartender asks “what can I get you Julia? “