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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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‘Immigrants turn Paris into another Muslim war zone’
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If the French expect another American army to liberate and protect them, I’m afraid that twice in the last 100 years is enough for the American taxpayers.
If the taxpayers have any say in the matter that is, Ronbo…..
Coming soon to an Australian town or city near you.
Yep. Absolutely inevitable.
It was interesting watching the D Day commemorations in France. The locals were clearly still very grateful 70 years on – those events are not forgotten. Watching that made me wonder if all is not lost. We need to be mindful that France fell in WW2 because of a bit of bad luck as much as anything – the Germans got a couple of breaks. Leadership was the problem as it so often is and the French are not alone in stuffing that up.
“…and the French are not alone in stuffing that up.”
Ain’t that the truth!
At least it was good to see this bit of news –
Quote – “CONTROVERSIAL anti-Islam Dutch MP Geert Wilders has revealed that a new party defending western values will be launched in Australia.
In a Youtube message, Mr Wilders said he would visit Perth next year to help launch the
Australian Liberty Alliance, which he described as a freedom party.
“Many of you are disappointed with current political parties and have had enough of politicians who sell out western civilisation,” he said.”
Hear, hear!
The party’s website is here –
( It just has a contact form at the moment. )
Thanks, Thor. Now watch the MSM knives come out….
…that are taxpayer funded in Australia – at least our Lamestream Media gets its tin cup filled from private sources.
Not all of ’em are taxpayer-funded, Ronbo. But the only decent national newspaper is The Australian.