making a fortune out of his pretend conservatism.
‘..Glenn BeckĀ has said that we must open our hearts to the illegal children. His statement implies that our hearts otherwise would be closed to suffering children.’
This is a typical leftist media trick…obscuring a principle with an appeal to emotion.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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The United States of America gives a significant number of taxpayer dollars to Central America. Probably the best solution to this crisis would be to make it known that we are going to determine where each child is from and then deduct the amount of money spent for their care, as well as the transportation costs to return them to their nation of origin, from their yearly aid. Further, in order to reduce the incentive for those populations, a fine of $100,000 per person shall be deducted. If there is anything left, we send the remaining balance. If not, we reduce the next years amount by the difference.
That ought to get their attention and reduce the flow.
Perfect. But too commonsense for the jerks in this Administration to implement.
too commonsense for the jerks in this Administration to contrary to the goals of the traitors of this Administration that you’re dreaming.
There, fixed it.
Since 15% of the population of Honduras is now in the US, those bastards would owe more than they get!
Reagan was suckered into an amnesty for security scam in 1986,they got the amnesty and we got suckered on the security,so I can’t pile all the duped conservative charge on Beck.
I’ll go along with the 20-25% who are actual children,their parents sent them into this mess and like it or not we should care for them until they are able to be returned.I say send all the 14-18 year olds back immediately,give the young ones medical treatment and vaccines and then send them home. They shouldn’t have to suffer because of stupid parents or stupid Obama.
As for amnesty,not no,but hell no now and forever.Immigration reform should be limited to enforcing existing law only.
I’m not claiming that Beck is the only duped conservative. What I’m saying is that his conservative principles are a lot thinner than his wallet, made fat by pretending to be a conservative.
(Think Bill O’Reilly without the charisma bypass)
I’m afraid Glenn Beck has self purged himself from the Tea Party Movement with his support of illegal aliens from Central America, the majority not being children.
Also, Beck is promoting a non-violent resistance movement to the Progressive Regime modeled on Martin Luther King’s successful civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s.
What Beck seems to have forgot is that the people who opposed King operated within the law, so when the Civil Rights Act of 1965 enacted, segregation disappeared very quickly in the South.
This is not case today in America The Progressive Regime is lawless, so only by the use of force can they be overthrown.
We US Persons have funded pretty much every country too long. Africa is the best example of complete waste. Stupid is as stupid does. Pretty soon our dear leaders will fundamentally transfer the entire African population to the Southern border. Oh, that’s right, we have no border.
“We US Persons have funded pretty much every country too long. ”
Damn right, Contempt.
Quickly bc yvt is busy digging a tunnel out of BlackBerry’s Underground Kompound, Cointempt may have had an original idea re Africa.