Dismantle the ABC, Tony.

‘..why is the ABC handing over its broadcasting facilities for two hours a day to the state broadcaster of a Muslim Brotherhood sponsor?’   (bold mine)
Andrew Bolt

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8 Responses to Dismantle the ABC, Tony.

  1. Ronbo says:


  2. MIchael in Nelson says:

    And in case there is a lurking apologist for the Islamist barbarians…explain this asshole!


    Tell me again about who is waging a ‘War on Women’?

  3. thor42 says:

    This is just *insane*.

  4. KG says:

    Speaking of insane…..
    ‘EPA under fire for preemptive strike against massive Alaska gold mine
    THE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY is under fire for a preemptive strike against a massive copper and gold mine in Alaska, where hundreds of billions of dollars and thousands of jobs are at stake…’

    The West has its zealots, too…….

  5. Pascal says:

    Open post make-do. Especially since ABC won’t report it. :D *


    What could be the take away lesson KG?

    *(Notice the headline used was derogatory because the story is not to SSM’s liking.)

    Notice that the daily mail does a much better job at headlining the same story.

    Hero doctor stops hospital shooting rampage: Psychiatrist uses his own gun to shoot patient who killed caseworker in front of him.


    Not only that, but the gunman who was stopped in his tracks had clips with another 39 rounds. He was stopped before this became a mass killing. And that is why ABC and all SSM don’t like the story.

  6. Mathew says:

    Like far too many stupid Conservatives he seems to think the ABC and some of the hard left can be won over. He’ll reach out and try to tinker, scold them, demand some sort of change and try to balance the board or whatever; ultimately they’ll burn him down just like all the rest before him and still be the the leftist sacks of shit sucking off the taxpayer they were before he bothered.

    Sell the effing thing, kick them to the kerb, it’s the only way.

    • KG says:

      Somebody should hold him down and tattoo “YOU CANNOT NEGOTIATE WITH THE LEFT” across his forehead.